Thursday Movie Picks - TV Edition - Non English Shows

This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is another Non English TV week. We all know I struggle this with, so I thought I'd check in on my picks from last year that I said I was going to watch. Let's see how I did.

1) Death Note

I expected to like this quite a bit, but this was like watching a TV version of Chutes and Ladders. One step forward, another step back. It doesn't help that Light, the lead character is a beyond insufferable Gary Stu and then we're introduced to Misa who felt like the author was like "Oh yeah I need hot chicks in this" and she automatically becomes Light's fangirl. Then they kill the one character that was actually given a ton of development and replace him with someone else who is basically just the boring version of said character. Ugh. 

2) Attack on Titan

I started this last year, not long after I made my original post and I've been absolutely loving it. I haven't been this into an anime in quite some time. Since there is such a long wait between seasons I also started to read the Manga, now I'm all caught up with that and get to impatiently wait for the next volume every month like everyone else. 

3) Dark

I didn't like this one as much as I thought it would either. The time travel aspect of it really took it down in my opinion. It ended up being really jumbled and disappointing. I was ready to adore this German show.


  1. Attack on Titan is great but I'm so behind on seasons. I may have to rewatch from beginning. I tried watching first episode of Death Note and could barely finish that much less a whole series.

    1. I thought Death Note started off really well, but god the rest of

      Attack on Titan's newest season comes back in April, you definitely should catch up!

  2. I haven't seen any of these but I've been meaning to watch Dark.

  3. I haven't seen any of these and my brain cells died this week so I just did a review of a movie. Somone on my blog mentioned "Dark" and I never heard of it...must be on Netflix

  4. I am the opposite. I adore Dark especially the time travel aspect and can't wait for season two.

    I don't like anime so have not seen the Death Note anime. Have you seen the live action Japanese Death Note movies from the 2000s? I thought they were pretty good.

    1. I haven't seen the live action ones. Everyone I talked to who had followed the manga said to go straight for the anime and that ended up not working for me.

  5. I haven't seen any of these shows though anime remains a total blind spot that I still want to explore.

  6. Haven't seen any of these. This just isn't my week I have a hard enough time keeping up with shows in English so I have zip.

    1. If you're interested in any anime, I suggest Attack on Titan. It's very different.


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