Thursday Movie Picks: Movies You Thought You'd Hate, But Ended Up Enjoying

This week Wanderer was kind enough to take one of my suggestions. We've all been there, right? Gone into a movie with the lowest of low expectations and them come out pleasantly surprised? Or in some cases loving what you saw? That's what we're talking about this week. Here are some films that surpassed my expectations. 

1) Nebraska

I put off seeing this until the very last second the year it was nominated for an Oscar because what would a black and white film set in the Midwest have that could possibly interest me? Turns out a decent amount. This was far better than I expected.

2) Aquaman

I wasn't a fan of the character, I wasn't a fan of Momoa, and The DCEU's track record sucks, but I had a ton of fun watching this. It surpassed every expectation I had. 

3) Red Eye

I remember the night I saw this very clearly. I worked at a movie theater, and we were opening this and The 40 Year Old Virgin. We stayed after work the night before, and everyone wanted to watch the latter, but our boss was like "Come on, this is like 90 minutes, we can watch both." And we did, and this ended up being amazing for what it was. 


  1. I remember seeing clips of Nebraska and thinking UGH how boring, but I should probably give it a chance!

  2. I've only seen Red Eye which you're right was much better than a description of it would lead you to expect. Nebraska is in my queue but I've never quite gotten around to it but you're positive reaction gives me hope. I'm completely burnt out on comic book adaptations so Aquaman is one I doubt I'll see.

    I didn't have time to do anything this week and nothing occurred to me right away. Now if we were suppose to name movies that you had high expectations for and disappointed I'd have no problem.

    1. Maybe that can be on TMP next year! Happens to me all the time lol.

  3. I always liked Aquaman and watching "Superfriends" in the 70's Aquaman looked like the Ken doll but dressed in yellow and green. I still have to see Aquaman but I heard it wasn't that great. I don't know Red Eye but is that the one where the guy is evil and she has to save the day?? Going by memory here. Nebraska is excellent! I loved it especially June Squibb as the wife.

    1. That is the extent of Red Eye, yes. lol. Aquaman isn't great but it's a lot of fun and much better than most of what DCEU has thrown at us sans Wonder Woman

  4. Red Eye is an awesome film as I keep forgetting that it was by Wes Craven as I like to think that was the last great film he did. It was simple and to the point. That's what films should be. Nebraska is also a great film as I just loved it in all of its visuals and simple stories as well as Will Forte's character growing some balls.

  5. YAAAS for Nebraska! I too wasn't that interested in seeing it and checked it out only because of the nomination but I ended up loving it.

    1. Right? Nothing on that was selling me but I forced myself to watch it for the love of Oscar lol.

  6. Have not seen your first two picks.

    I didn't come into Red Eye with any expectations, because I didn't know much about it. But yeah it is a fun thriller.

    1. And it was short and to the point, another thing I appreciated.

    2. I know right? I think it was under 90 rare.

  7. Alexander Payne always makes movies I like more than I expect to. I had the same feeling for Election, About Schmidt, and The Descendants that you had with Nebraska.

    1. Payne is pretty hit and miss for me, but I really like The Descendants. That one just worked from start to finish with me.

  8. I've been hearing mostly positive things about Aquaman, so I'm definitely checking that movie out!

    Here’s my Thursday Movie Picks!

    Ronyell @ The Surreal Movies and TV Blog

    1. I just came from your blog! lol. Aquaman I definitely recommend.

  9. Wouldn't say I was expecting to hate Nebraska, but I was very hesitant going in because it looked like boring Oscar bait. It was baity, but so much better than I thought it would be.

    I went into Aquaman with an open mind, giving DC the benefit of the doubt since I loved the last solo movie they did before it, Wonder Woman. It was a blast, so glad I did.

    I was working at Blockbuster when Red Eye came out on DVD. I checked it out with one of my free rentals without knowing anything about it. Turned out to be a solid flick.

    1. It seems like Red Eye surprised everyone. I don't think I know anyone that was excited for that movie to come out, or that hates it. They're all just surprised it's good.

  10. GOD I LOVE RED EYE. I remember very specifically my sister and I both wanted to see it because of the teaser trailer that set it up like a rom-com but turned into horror at the end. And because of Rachel McAdams. We both loved it.

    Nebraska I liked fine - June Squibb was SO FUNNY - but I didn't think it needed all those Oscar nominations (and I thought Will Forte was better than Bruce Dern).

    Aquaman was SO FUN. I don't really know anything about the character, but I do like Momoa in general, so I was good with this one, even if I wasn't exactly eagerly anticipating it.

    1. Forte was better than Dern, but really Squibb stole that show.

      I need to look up the old Red Eye trailers I can't remember what they looked like.

  11. Well, I didn't know about Red Eye, but since it has a young, gorgeous looking Cilian Murphy in it, I will definitely look it up :) Thanks!

  12. Nice picks! I remember seeing Nebraska at an Oscars movie marathon, and thought it'd be boring. But it's still a movie I think of fondly from time to time.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one that judged that one right away.


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