What I watched on TV in April

April flew by and because of that, this post is going up a bit later than usual. Here's what I was watching on the small screen last month.

Falcon and the Winter Solider -
I really enjoyed this over all. I thought the ending felt rushed, much like the Wandavision finale, but that's the reality of COVID happening on the tail end of finishing a TV show. Mostly, I like the possibilities this created. Sam looks amazing in his Captain America suit. (minus the head piece, they need to re-work that) He and Bucky have moved forward, there's much to be explored with Sharon, and I know we'll see Julia Louis Dreyfus again. 

Attack on Titan -
They're now on a break before they finish up the final season, but the manga ended and it was so terrible that I feel like I owe the Game of Thrones showrunners an apology. I'm not even sure I want to watch it when it comes back.

Mare of East Town -
We're only a few episodes in, but I'm already invested. I just hope this doesn't go the way of The Outsider and have an awful finale.

Frank of Ireland -
I was looking for something dumb to laugh at, and this is certainly dumb, but I'm not sure if it's funny. It has its moments, but it's very weird.


  1. The ending in the season finale for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier I will admit was a bit messy but it at least ended on a high note as I am eager for Captain America 4 yet... all of the other new films coming from the MCU!!!! Man, the trailer sizzle yesterday was awesome.

    Eternals.... OH MY GOD!!!!!

    1. I loved the Sizzle reel! I'm so excited for more content.

  2. I'm pleased to say that I've hopped onto the Mare bandwagon whilst it's still cool! I'm really interested to see where it's all heading.
    I adore Domnhall Gleeson so I'm tempted to give Frank of Ireland a go but something is holding me back.

    1. I really like Mare! I'm glad you're enjoying it too.

  3. It's too bad COVID bite into Wandavision and now Falcon and Winter Soldier. Both were still great but I got to admit ever since hearing we almost got a giant demon bunny I just want all the shows to take their time.

    1. I know! Giant demon bunny needs to happen. Disney should finish the scene and release it before Doctor Strange 2 comes out. lol


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