Thursday Movie Picks: Mother/Son Relationships

This week's theme from Wandering Through the Shelves is mother/son relationships. They have to be biologically related. Out of all the other "All in the Family Editions" I had a hell of a time thinking of movies for this one. No idea why, but here's what I came up with.

1) I Killed My Mother

This is a very intense character study on mother and son here. It was the first one that came to mind.

2) Looper

There's a lot of things going on in this movie, but the relationship between Cid and Sarah, and what would eventually happen with it is what moved the entire story. And little Pierce Gagnon was so good. 

3) We Need To Talk About Kevin

I read this book right after I had my own son, and he got extra kisses every day. Is it possible to have a more complicated relationship between mother and son than Eva and Kevin did here? For everyone else's sake, I hope not. I mean, look what he's doing in that gif! 


  1. UGH I still need to see We Need to Talk About Kevin and I Killed My Mother. I never would have thought of Looper even though it is perfect for this theme. Although I was decidedly not a fan of the actor who played young Cid.

    1. Oh man, I loved that kid. I thought he was incredible. Yes please see the other two! Kevin especially.

  2. Dolan!!!!

    Love that you chose Looper too...great pick, and such an underrated movie.

    I kind of hated We Need to Talk About Kevin...

    1. How can you hate it? Loved that movie and the book. Miller and Swinton were incredible.

  3. Looper never occured to me when I was planning for this week. In fact, I had to think for a minute who you were talking about. Excellent pick.

  4. I haven't seen any of these. They all seem...very dark. Everybody seems to have gone with more somber choices this week.

    1. I think I tend to gravite towarda darker films. I can't really think of a nice, family mother/son movie now.

  5. I love your last two picks and have yet to see I Killed My Mother. Great picks!

  6. Looper is such a perfect pick for this, yet it never even occurred to me. And We Need to Talk About Kevin...ugh. Such a draining experience, that is. It's great, but exhausting. Btw, for people that haven't seen it, I'm not sure they can tell what he's doing in that gif. They definitely won't get the magnitude of that scene, eother. I haven't seen the other, but I've been meaning ti. Need to get to it.

    1. Kevin is such an excellent film. The book is even better, but I loved the casting here. I Killed My Mother is on Netflix instant last time I checked.

  7. Goodness me. That gif...The worst part is when he just looks at his mum and continues. Just...urg.

    Fine choices, Looper particularly, would have never though of that one.

  8. Cool picks! Unfortunately, I've only seen Looper - which is quite awesome. We Need to Talk About Kevin has been on my to-watch list forever! That gif is certainly.....*no words*.

  9. I read that book too and...jeebus.

  10. OH!!!! Those are fucked up films but they're all great.

    1. Yeah in retrospect these picks together were kind of fucked up. lol

  11. Oh dear God -- what possessed you to read We Need to Talk About Kevin right after your son was born? :-P I haven't seen I Killed My Mother yet, but these are great picks.

    1. LOL I really wanted to see the movie and I was annoyed it wasn't playing anywhere near me so I read the book.

  12. Yeah, that We Need To Talk About Kevin gif is fuckin' freaking me out haha.

  13. Haven't seen the first one. Ezra Miller was so freaky as Kevin.

    1. Miller is a fantastic actor. He should've gotten more buzz for that performance.

  14. OMG We Need to Talk About Kevin is so intense. Like they said above...that gif is freaking me out.

  15. Great picks! Ugh, I really need to watch I Killed My Mother already.


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