Thursday Movie Picks: Sibling Relationships

It's another "All in the Family" edition at Wandering Through The Shelves This time we're asked to focus on sibling relationships. The only restriction is that they must be biological. 

1) Dogtooth

This movie is so twisted. These siblings are isolated in their house and are basically taught the most backward things by their over protective parents. (Examples: that a "cunt" is actually a large lamp and cats eat children) It's so fascinating. 

2) The Savages

How can you not love a film with Philip Seymour Hoffman and Laura Linney? Their relationship is tested when after they've spent the majority of their adult life avoiding their father, they're forced to care for him all over again. Their chemistry is amazing.

3) Radio Flyer

This movie has an ending that I wrote about a little over five years ago. These two brothers, one being abused by their drunken step father while the other is forced to keep it a secret provoke a lot of thought about how this film actually ended. Plus Elijah Wood and Joseph Mazello are two of the best child actors of all time. 

Bonus: Frailty 
I'm kind of kicking myself for not using this during the father/son week, so I think I'd stretch a bit and include it here. The relationship between these two brothers is tested throughout, and that twist involving them is pretty shocking for us. 


  1. OMFG DOGTOOTH. That is one twisted movie.

    LOVE The Savages. Laura Linney is just brilliant.

    1. Dogtooth is a two hour "wtf" moment. lol I loved it.

  2. Good picks. I'm two for four out of your picks. I can't say I loved The Savages but I loved the acting it contained, Laura Linney in particular. I haven't thought of Radio Flyer in years but it fits so well and I agree about the young actors. I've never heard of Dogtooth, it sounds unusual, but I've heard of Frailty and haven't gotten around to it not being much of a McConaughey fan.

    1. Dogtooth is Greek, so it didn't get a lot of play here, but you should check it out!

  3. Britt, you just killed it! Dogtooth is so great. I loved every second of that weirdness. And perfect for this category. The Savages crossed my mind, but I just don't remember it well enough to pick it myself. Radio Flyer is amazing. I forgot about that movie. I loved it when I was a kid. Loved it!

    Now, Frailty...that movie is on another realm of greatness. It is seriously one of my favorite movies of all-time. I used it late last year with the Movies that Feature a Family Secret category. Perfect pick for this category!

    1. Frailty is amazing, and I can't believe it took me so long to watch it. I didn't see it until least year. I had to sneak it in somewhere since I missed previous opportunities with it.

  4. Dogtooth - Got Lars Von Trier written all over..the man is an interesting character.

    I'll check out Savages as I like both Laura Linney and PSH

    1. Lars Von Trier could never craft something as coherent as Dogtooth. lol They did get the weird factor down.

    2. Oh. For some reason I though it was Lars Von Trier film. Must have go it mixed up Dogville. Perhaps...I dunno.

    3. Similar names, but Dogtooth>Dogville lol

  5. I haven't seen any of your picks but Dogtooth is something I think I'd like to watch.

  6. Love The Savages! One of my picks for this week too. I found them so believable as brother and sister.

    1. They were perfect together. It makes me depressed all over again that PSH isn't with us any longer.

  7. Dogtooth... awesome film. I still haven't seen The Savages. Radio Flyer... I'm sorry but I fucking hated that film. It was awful. I remember Dairy Queen promoting the film as something big and it turned out to be very lame. I'm just not really into heavy sentimentality. It doesn't work for me.

    1. lol it's okay. It probably is kind of lifetime-y, but it's a film that always stuck with me.

  8. I haven't seen dog tooth. That's a Lars film right? Yeah I've sworn off Lars for a while. He's insane. Admittedly 'Melancholia' was beautiful. I adored the Savages. Beautiful performances throughout. I thought that film was so beautiful, especially the ending when Hoffman's character finished his play.

    1. Nope. Von Trier did a film called Dogville. Dogtooth is a Greek film. I hate Von Trier, I'm not sure I could speak highly of any film of his.

  9. Great list. I really need to see The Savages. I do like Laura Linney and you combine her with Hoffman. I cant go wrong. Dogtooth may be the most F__ed up movie ever nominated for an Academy Award.

  10. Dogtooth and The Savages are fine choices. I haven't seen Frailty yet, and I've never even heard of Radio Flyer. Need to give it a look.

    1. Radio Flyer is very old. It's probably very melodramatic too, but I like it. Frailty is awesome.


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