Rambling TV: Thoughts on The Walking Dead, Fargo, and Agents of SHIELD

Rambling film is a weekly series were I ramble about the things I watched on television.

The Walking Dead

We got another week of filler, but at least this filler was somewhat interesting, though very plot device-y.

Glen is back! Literally no one thought he was actually dead because of the way the powers that be and everyone involved with the show talked their way around it, but it was so nice to see him back. 

Rick, Carol, Morgan, and Michonne finally had a talk about Morgan's bullshit "all life is precious" mantra. Carol was seething that he let some Wolves go, Morgan tried to counter with "Well, Rick didn't kill me back in King's County, and if he did Daryl and Aaron would be dead." No, he knew you. Doesn't count. That conversation was not along enough though.

Other small things that happened: Rosita is a wonderful teacher. Poor Denise is getting tricked into helping Morgan, Maggie saw Glenn's signal, Ron is walking around obviously planning Carl's murder and no one seems to notice.

Oh, and the tower fell, knocking a hole in the wall and letting the walkers in. It was a beautiful scene, and now finally this season will pick up the pace again. I have to laugh a bit about how obvious the plot devices were in this film to get groups to split up. Carol leaving Judith with Jesse so she can get stuck with her, and Carol stuck with Morgan for example.


Can someone get Nick Offerman an Emmy? The guy was brilliant in this week's episode. I was so worried someone was going to shoot him during this stand off but he drunkenly talked his way out of it. It was perfect.

Can the Blumquists die already? They are seriously so stupid. I'm almost to the point where I can't tell who I want dead more, them or Dodd.

Agents of SHIELD


Okay, they threw in some bullshit about Jemma saying she loved Will even after she found out Hydra was tied into the group that sent Will, which makes no sense, but whatever. They kissed, this show will probably throw in another wrench somewhere in regards to them, but it was so sweet.

The Hydra tie in was actually really cool. Ward actually had more purpose to the episode besides lurking in the shadows, doing some mustache twirling villain dumb fuckery. 

It turns out Coulson was playing Rosalind just has hard as she was, only she genuinely seemed to have no idea what exactly was happening regarding the InHumans. 

IT Hunter was amazing. One thing SHIELD does really well is it's infiltration/heist scenarios, and this one was top notch.


  1. Nick Offerman was amazing in that episode! I got really scared for him too, but I'm glad he lived to tell the tale.
    - Allie

  2. I've been very disappointed with the show this year. Although admittedly yesterday was a good episode with good pacing. The whole Glenn thing has been so stupid. I'm not sure which one is worse Glenn's death "fake-out" (I put that in quotes b/c everyone figured it out almost immediately) or Morgan's pacifism. I'm not sure what the writers are trying to do with characters like Tyreese and Morgan. They certainly were not pacifists in the comics. This show needs new writers asap.

    1. I agree, the writing has always been wildly inconsistent on TWD. Glenn is one of my favorite characters, so I excuse his fake out because I'm bias, but it was done very poorly. They made no secret on Talking Dead that Glenn would be back.

      I really like Morgan, but his pacifism IS annoying. I could maybe see his way of life happening in season 1 or 2, but not now. I don't understand what they're doing with people like Moran or Tyreese either. I think they don't want them to overshadow Daryl as Rick's "right hand."

    2. I agree. I feel another "most ridiculous things on the walking dead" list coming soon. It really sucks b/c in the comics Tyreese was essentially Darryl. They took all of Tyreese's good characteristics and gave them away. Then they killed him off. *Sigh. I'm not sure what they're doing with Morgan.

  3. Fargo is sooo good. Absolutely lovin' this season. Cant wait to see what they do with Season 3

  4. I think I'll see the last night's ep tonight I really hope it has more Offerman. He just killed it in ep 6

    1. I haven't gotten to watch it either. I hope it's wonderful.

  5. Loved Fargo this week and last week. The editing and music is top-notch. I love the Blumquists though, they're hilarious.

  6. Offerman is killing it on Fargo. Would love for him to get some awards love!

    1. He should've already gotten an Emmy nom for Parks and Rec, is floors me he never did. I think this is his ticket though. He's better than everyone else they have cast this season.


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