DVD Review: Amy

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I felt like I shouldn't be watching this, a documentary on the late singer Amy Winehouse. It's as if I was intruding on her personal moments and I couldn't shake how uncomfortable this entire film felt. 

Amy was absolutely singular. She had raw talent, a voice like no one else and from the home videos we are shown, she had that spark at a very young age. She also apparently lacked guidance. Her father bailed, then only came back into her life when she was famous. Her mother dismissed Amy telling her about an eating disorder as a young teen. It's small things like these that just add to the pile of addiction and troubles Amy dealt with in her short life.

It's hard to enjoy something like this. I liked Amy. She put out great records, but everyone knew she had a problem. This entire documentary is based on home movies, televised events, and paparazzi footage. There's very few talking heads, instead the camera focuses on Amy with a subtitle in the corner of the screen telling us who's talking. I just felt really bothered watching someone's downward spiral in real time. I wish she could've gotten lasting help. It hurts that she didn't.

Recommended: Yes, it's well made, just not enjoyable.

Grade: C+

Memorable Quote: "...his record is called "What Goes Around Comes Around?" - Amy. 


  1. Nice review! The invasive material mentioned in a lot of reviews is one of the reasons I've put off watching it. Watching her downward spiral, especially how the media treated her, was enough the first time around.

    1. It's really unsettling. I'd probably never watch this again.

  2. I felt like it wasn't particularly illuminating. I could read most of that on wiki.

    1. And everyone would probably feel less gross after watching they simply read it all. The use of paparazzi footage was a bad move.

  3. I still want to see this no matter how unsettling it is. BTW, u too have noticed the disappearance of A Fistful of Films? Was it hacked?

  4. Ugh, I hated this film. I was really uncomfortable watching, and I didn't think there was any narrative.

    1. There really wasn't much of a narrative. Just a spotlight on a very tragic human being.

  5. This does sound like a depressing film and I don't like to see Train wrecks even if they have amazing talent. It is all just so very sad


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