Thursday Movie Picks: Seven Deadly Sins: Lust

This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves will be ongoing all year. She's asking us to look at films that fall under the category of each deadly sin. We're starting off with lust. Some of these were tricky but here's what I came up with

1) American Beauty

Lester Burnham lusts over his teenage daughter's friend. I refuse to let Kevin Spacey ruin this movie for me. I love it and it's still my favorite.

2) Shame

Brandon is addicted to sex, so much so he can't go a day without watching porn, even on the job. The lust is dialed to 11 in this.

3) Secretary

Mr. Grey lusts over his new secretary Lee and they end up in a BDSM relationship. I just had to laugh to myself because I forgot Spader's character's last name is Grey. This is superior to 50 shades in case you were wondering.


  1. I have only seen American Beauty which I really love and agree about Spacey. What a shame that such a great actor and singer is such a dick.

    1. And that he continues to behave this way with no legal consequences.

  2. I knew I shouldn't have let Spacey ruin my Blind Spot pick. I will definitely got round to watching American Beauty this year!

    1. Spacey doesn't deserve all the credit for this movie lol. Its good, even with him.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. chose American Beauty, as well. Plenty of lust, there. ☺ The other two are new to me, but sound interesting. Just about anything is better than 50 Shades!

    Nice to meet you, Brittani! This is my first time participating in
    Thursday Movie Picks.

  5. We share Shame. I just couldn’t not pick it. It’s perfect and it has Fassy

  6. I found American Beauty compelling when I saw it in the theatre but never had nor have any real desire to revisit it. It share some kinship with one of my choices I think.

    I was tempted to use Shame, it was the first thing I thought of when I saw the theme, but I more or less hated it. I can't fault Fassbender nor Carey Mulligan both of whom really dug into their roles but it was not an enjoyable experience to watch. It fits the theme like a glove however.

    I've heard of Secretary and have purposely avoided it. The synopsis never appealed and I'm cool to Maggie Gyllenhaal at the best of times.

    I tried for different aspects of lust with my three. I was so tempted to use Kirk Douglas's Lust for Life but despite the title it doesn't really fit the theme so I turned to another of his that did.

    Lust for Gold (1949)-In the 1880’s Arizona drifter Dutchy Walz (Glenn Ford) and his buddy Wiser (Edgar Buchanan) suspect two men know the location of a gold mine. Tracking them they shoot the pair after which Walz turns on Wiser and kills him as well. Heading to Phoenix with a large stash of nugguts word quickly spreads and shopkeeper Julia Thomas (Ida Lupino) wheedles herself into Walz affections without mentioning her marriage to Pete (Gig Young) in the hopes of getting her hands on the loot. Eventually all turn on each other in their “Lust for Gold”.

    The Bad and the Beautiful (1952)-In his lust for power unscrupulous movie producer Jonathan Shields (Kirk Douglas) ruthlessly claws his way to the top of the studio system by discovering, using and discarding movie star Georgia (Lana Turner), director Fred Amiel (Barry Sullivan) and writer James Lee Bartlow (Dick Powell) along the way.

    Lolita (1962)-British professor Humbert Humbert (James Mason) relocates to the American suburbs, renting a room from lonely widow Charlotte Haze (Shelley Winters). He finds himself lustfully drawn to Charlotte’s teenage daughter Lolita (the recently departed Sue Lyon) doing whatever necessary including marrying her mother to remain close to the nymphet leading to his downfall. Stanley Kubrick directed his own adaptation of the Nabokov novel.

    1. Brigit picked Lolita too, I haven't seen it though I'm familiar with the story. I always meant to read the book one day.

  7. American Beauty is a film I'm mixed on as there's parts of it that I enjoy but there's aspects of it I don't enjoy about it like Annette Bening's character. She kind of reminds me of one of my awful aunts whom me and my mother have cut off contact with last summer as we want nothing to do with most of the people in my dad's family. They're just awful.

    Shame is a great film as is Secretary which is still one of my all-time favorite films.

    1. Oh no. Family members can be the worst sometimes. I'm glad to see a bit love for Secretary in the comments!

  8. I don't remember much about American Beauty, to be honest. I liked Shame; Michael Fassbender was great in it. Secretary is on my watchlist.

    1. Fassbender was robbed of an Oscar nomination for that movie.

  9. I haven't seen American Beauty in years. I am curious to see whether it holds up and whether I can get past Kevin Spacey!

    1. I think it still does. He doesn't deserve to ruin that movie. lol

  10. If they ever film RF, it will be on the list :D Shame is such a great movie

    1. You could've joined in yesterday and just submitted RF!

  11. American Beauty is a great movie... even with Spacey in it. Annette Bening breaks my heart every time. I haven't seen Secretary yet, but I need to! I've always heard good things about it.

    1. Bening is wonderful in it as well. The whole cast is. I hope you get a chance to see Secretary!

  12. Om Secretary!! Didn't remember his name was Grey either wow.. that Fifty Shades lady didn't have any original ideas.

    I've seen all of these, I'm surprised, this almost never happens. :D

    1. None, apparently lol. Maybe she spelled it different? I can't remember.

  13. The only one I've seen is American Beauty. It is one of my favourites too. And yes the movie is the works of hundreds more is more than just him.

    1. Yes! I like what you did with this theme this year. I'm interested in seeing how the rest goes.


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