2021 Blind Spot Series: Monty Python's Life of Brian


What I knew going in: The general plot

Born on the same day as Jesus Christ in the stable next door, Brian (Graham Chapman) finds himself mistaken for the Messiah after a serious of unfortunate mix ups.

I watched Monty Python's Holy Grail for a Blind Spot a few years ago and many of you recommended that I watch Life of Brian next. While I still don't think I really vibe with Monty Python's humor, I liked this one a bit more.

Like the last film, I didn't think there was an actor that particularly stood out, and that's one of nice things about Monty Python. All the members seem equally as funny and on par with one another. I had a few good laughs here and there. I also appreciate how bold a film like this would've been for 1979. Reading through the film's IMDb trivia, it sounds like they got a ton of shit from various religious institutions over this.

While I have to say Dogma is still my go to religious comedy, Life of Brian was a good watch and it's currently streaming on Netflix if you want to check it out for the first time, or rewatch it. 

Recommended: Yes

Grade: B

Memorable Quote: "Now fuck off!" - Brian Cohen (Graham Chapman)


  1. I had lots of fun with both this and Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Glad you were able to enjoy it.

  2. I love this film. "Yes, yes, I am the Messiah!" "HE IS!!!!!" Now fuck off!!!" "How do we fuck off?"

    I fucking love this movie. I also love the fact that George Harrison is the one who funded the film after the original studio pulled funding because it's chief read the script and was offended by it just a week before shooting was to begin. Eric Idle was talking to Harrison about what happened and Harrison said... "I'll give you the money". He mortgaged his own house to have the film made which I think it is the most expensive cinema ticket ever bought. Someone asked Harrison why he did that and he said "I wanted to see it" and he does have a cameo in the film.

  3. We are all individuals!.....I’m not. How true is that simple part that truly hits home. I remember when this came out and how it was denounced by the Pope. It even made on Nightline to talk about the film and how angry the Catholic Church was. Now it’s considered tame. Funny, my mom loved Dogma even though it had foul language and the shit monster. She abhorred foul language but she loved this movie because it was intelligent...I miss my mom.

    1. Aww I love that your mom loved Dogma! Easily my favorite religious movie out there.

    2. We saw it in the matinee and went for lunch after and talked about the religious parts in the film. I was shocked she liked it because of the profanity but she saw past it and always loved a great debate where she could sink her teeth into and talk. She loved talking more to yo7 g people than people her age. She inspired more than one youngin’. She was in her 70s when we saw it.

  4. I think you do need to really vibe on Python humor for this to rank among your favorites. I grew up on Python (I had a dog named Monty Python, and another named Basil Fawlty), so it works for me. Happy that it worked for you at least in part.

    1. Aww that's so cute! I definitely understand. I can't even connect with the humor I DID grow up with anymore. I'm slowly getting more jaded.

  5. I'm glad you enjoyed this one! Holy Grail seems to be the most well known Monty Python movie but Life of Brian has always been my favourite <3

    1. Holy Grail is where I started for them, but I seem to hear that a lot about Life of Brian.

  6. I'm in about the same place with this as you. I respect all the actors skill and various talents but it's rare that I laugh out loud at their stuff. I see the humor, it's just not my particular brand.


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