Review: The Little Things

Joe Deacon (Denzel Washington) is a cop sent to his former precinct to gather evidence for an upcoming trial. We learn that Deke used to work homicide here, and that he was some of of a legendary detective. Then something happened. He meets his hot shot replacement Jim Baxter (Rami Malek) who invites him along to a crime scene. It's similar to one Deke investigated years ago and now the two work together to solve it despite nearly everyone on Jim's department advising against it. 

Its 90's setting almost makes this feel a little like Se7en-lite. I really enjoyed that aspect of it. It's nowhere near as creepy, or as good, but I liked the mood of it. I was solidly with this film as a whole until we get to the last 20 minutes or so when everything becomes so implausibly dumb.

Denzel is always fun to watch. I liked him in this role and was genuinely curious to find out his "secret" so to speak. Rami Malek surprised me. When Jim is first introduced, he comes off as a raging douchebag and Malek was clinching his jaw so hard I was preparing for this to be an awful performance but he loosens up and I ended up really enjoying his dynamic with Washington. Jared Leto plays the man they think is the murderer in a very creepy role, and although his character is the root of quite a few of the film's 3rd act problems, I thought he was good as well.

I watched this on HBO Max and I'm thankful for that because this isn't a theater watch for me. I think I still ended up enjoying the film more than most did, but I had a hard time with a few choices at the end of it, and unfortunately that never took it out of "just okay" territory.

Recommended: If you already have HBO Max

Grade: C+

Memorable Quote: "It's the little things that get you caught." - Joe Deacon (Denzel Washington)


  1. I have been seeing the mediocre reviews and it's just so hard to watch it knowing that it isn't as good.

    1. Yeah, I read a lot of bad ones and I did like it better than those, but it's nothing worth rushing out to see.

  2. i liked everyone in it, but they are wayyy better than this film. i also had a problem with its ending. it just... fell flat to me

    1. They really are. The entire digging scene I could not wrap my head around. No way that would happen the way it did.

  3. I can't stand Leto on a good day but in this I wanted to punch him in the face so badly. Which, considering the character he played, is probably a compliment.
    I didn't care for the characters in this but I was gripped by the case so that was enough for me, and I'm guilty of loving a goofy ending!

    1. His character at the very least deserved a punch in the face lol

  4. I like Denzel but I have no interest in this. Plus, I can't stand Jared Leto as he and Shia LaBeouf have ruined method acting as it's now a joke.

    Oh, and on your Twitter scroll when you mentioned that "Hail Hydra" scene. It was Jasper Sitwell, not Rumlow, that Cap whispered "Hail Hydra" to in his ear.

    I get the feeling that when Cap walked out of the airport, Sitwell, Rumlow, and all of the Hydra guys were like.... "YEAH!!!!! HE'S ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US!"

    1. Ahh my bad. Thanks for correcting me. I was watching Winter Solider on TV at the time so I had Rumlow on my mind.

  5. It seems I liked this a lot more than a lot of people. I loved its slow burn and really loved how it's much more interested in whats in the minds of the officers than the killer. Interesting twist of focus. And Denzel...

    1. I agree. I liked the focus on the police side of things. The digging scene was what put me over the edge though.

  6. I love Denzel and really want to see this film.

  7. I wanted to see this so much because the trailer came out of nowhere and was so good. But to know the last 20 minutes are terrible, just makes me so disinterested. lol And what are all these nominations for Jared Leto? Nice review.

    1. I don't get it. He's really good, but he's not awards worthy good. He's just a super creep in an okay movie.


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