Review: Interstellar

We were meant to leave this Earth.

Sometime in the future, the Earth is dying. Dust storms are the norm and some crops are no longer going. Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) was once a brilliant pilot and now stuck being a farmer. One day, he cracks a code with his daughter, Murph (Mackenzie Foy, then played by Jessica Chastain as an adult) that leads to him what's left of NASA. Headed by professor Brand (Michael Caine) and his daughter Amelia (Anne Hathaway) they tell Cooper that they need him to pilot a mission through a wormhole to find another planet to live on. That's the dumbed down version, there's way more too it, but it's probably better if you just see the film yourself. 

If Interstellar is anything, it's ambitious. It spans nearly three hours intertwining with what's happening in space, and what's happening on Earth. The story is very interesting, and there's even a few tear jerker moments thrown in there. It's a very good sci fi film, but that run time is going to put some people off.

I wanted this film to be perfect, but it just isn't. The score, while great is so booming at times that it drowns out the characters' voices. After seeing the film, I get why most of the advertising was solely focused on McConaughey and Hathaway, not just because they're the stars, but in doing so, when you see them start their mission with more people, you kind of already know what's going to happen to them.

I imagine this film is going to be a big hit in the technical categories at the Oscars, and it certainly deserves that. Maybe it will snag a Best Picture nomination too. It's a good film, but part of me still wishes it was just better.

Recommended: Yes

Grade: B+ 

Memorable Quote: "Did you know?" - Murph (Jessica Chastain)


  1. Great review :) I really do want to see Interstellar but the running time makes me want to cry!
    - Allie

    1. Oh, I know. To be fair, it's interesting throughout, but I don't blame anyone for judging run times because I do it frequently. lol

  2. I think I'm gonna see it on Friday if I'm not too tired and can actually make it to the cinema and not fall asleep there. Hathaway looks surprisingly great in her role here.

    1. She's very good, but I've always thought she was a good actress. She just gives bad interviews/acceptance speeches.

  3. Great review! I was dreading the running time but thankfully my bladder held up, and towards the third act it actually didn't feel THAT long. I still don't know how I really feel about this movie. I might do a list instead of a straight review, might be easier to do, who knows.

    1. A list would be an interesting read! I am impressed that they kept most of that third act hidden. (Or at least hidden from me) that was full of surprises.

  4. Great review Brittani :) The film isn't perfect, but I'm glad the hype didn't ruin it for you!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, as much as I wanted to A+ it, I still enjoyed it. I almost feel a little bad for wanting more.

  5. Jessica Chastain's acting was really great in the film. Her picking up from Mackenzie Foy...It felt natural and realistic. Solid casting.

  6. How did you see the film? Sound mix was off in IMAX for some technical reason that is beyond me...

    1. I just saw it in a regular Dolby DTX theater. No IMAX.

  7. I really love Mackenzie Foy in this movie---never realized that she was one of the children in Conjuring. She's just 'the best' at her age for sometimes...

    1. I was really impressed with her too. Hopefully people will remember this and not the fact that she was in Twilight. lol

  8. Nice review! It's definitely ambitious, and the three hours seemed to go by faster than I expected. It's interesting to hear that the score drowned out the actors from a lot of reviews. Maybe my ears konked out in IMAX, but I didn't really notice it. :)

    1. Maybe IMAX sound is better? I've never actually seen a feature in IMAX.

    2. Interstellar was my first IMAX feature. It was great but I felt like if the screen could be any clearer or the sound any crisper, I might go a little crazy. lol

    3. I'm glad I'm not the only one that's bothered by "too clear" My mother has this expensive high def TV and it freaks me out a little. It's like I'm looking through a window instead of at a TV screen. No thanks! lol

    4. haha I know what you mean! I have a really cheap (but nice) tablet for Netflix, and I have to hold it at a distance because my eyes start feeling loopy/tired. My eyes have had pretty good vision all on their own before HD tvs/movies/etc. lol

  9. I had some of the same issues you had with this one as far as not quite attaining perfection. Still, a fantastic movie. My first visit to your blog. I really dig it!

    1. Thanks! I hope you come back again! I'm off to check out your space now.

  10. Interestingly enough, not all versions of this film have the booming, drowning out score (though I personally loved this when I saw a version that did have it). I can understand feeling it wasn't quite perfect, but I loved this nonetheless. Nice review. :)

    1. Thanks! I liked the score itself, just not when I couldn't understand what the actors were saying because of it.

  11. i actually think jessica chastain was the biggest standout here. it is certainly ambitious, but so fulfilling with its emotional arc. i appreciated it, despite the hugely overwhelming scientific theorizing.

    1. She was great, it's amazing how in tune her and Foy were as the younger and older Murph.

  12. I loved the film initially, but it's kind of faded for me already. I'm going to check it out again soon, though.

    1. I'm not sure if it's something I want to watch again for awhile.


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