Thursday Movie Picks: Movies About Making Movies

This Thursday's picks are movies about making movies. Check out Wander's site for future Thursday Movie Picks

Boogie Nights - Gotta love this look into the porn industry. This film has brilliant performances all around.

Bowfinger - Do NOT laugh at me! I actually think this movie is pretty funny. Come on, the premise alone is giggle worthy. 

Tropic Thunder - Bowfinger is funny, but this movie is hilarious and goes down as one of my all time favorite comedies. There's just so many memorable quotes. 


  1. Great list! Boogie Nights has been on my watch list since forever (It did made my preliminary blind spot choice for next year), and Tropic Thunder was hilarious!

    1. Boogie Nights is fantastic, I hope you get a chance to see it soon!

  2. I loved Tropic Thunder soooo much. Such a great movie.

  3. Replies
    1. I don't think I know anyone that dislikes Boogie Nights

  4. Bowfinger is probably the last funny movie that Steve Martin and Eddie Murphy have made together. I love it.

  5. Great picks. I love all three of these movies.

  6. I'm actually quoting TT in tonight's RF, I do it a lot. It's the best. McConaughey, Cruise and RDJ slay in this movie

    1. I just read it :P I love that movie. I'm so glad McConaughey picked up that part after Owen Wilson dropped out. He's so much better. "At least you get to choose yours" lmao

  7. Love Bowfinger. One of my favorite Steve Martin movies.

    1. I feel better about posting my love for Bowfinger now that I realize others like it too. I thought most people hated it.

  8. Nice picks! Tropic Thunder is ridiculously funny! I think my family can quote the whole movie, and I often judge if actors are getting too involved with their performances by comparing them to Ben and RDJ.

    1. lol YES! I loved how RDJ's Oscar clip included "I don't break character until I do the DVD commentary" and the camera cut to Daniel Day-Lewis. I will never forget that.

      As much as I hate the "R word" The "full retard" bit was hysterical.

    2. Omg, I didn't even catch that before - genius! Have you watched TT with the commentary? RDJ is pretty brilliant.
      I hate that word too but it's an unforgettable line.

  9. I'm obviously in a minority here, but I hated Tropic Thunder. I didn't find it funny, just insufferably stupid. Don't get me wrong -- I do enjoy dumb humor. That particular flick just didn't happen to work for me. :-) Humor is a very individual thing.

    Boogie Nights has been on my "to watch" list for years.

    Great post!

    1. I can see how not everyone would like Tropic Thunder, but that's okay! Boogie Nights is wonderful though, I hope you get a chance to see it.

    2. I do need to watch that. :-) It's funny how opinions vary on comedies, and I'm all over the place. For example, I hated American Pie but I think movies like Horrible Bosses are hilarious. Go figure.

    3. I definitely tend to like raunchy comedies over the typical PG-13 ones. I loved American Pie and Horrible Bosses.

  10. State of California? I know what state I'm in Jack.

  11. Nice picks. I never got around to Bowfinger, so maybe I should check it out.

    1. I like that one. I was expecting to get a ton of shit for naming it here, but it's nice to see that wasn't the case.


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