Thursday Movie Picks: Colors in the Title

This week's theme from Wandering Through the Shelves is movies with colors in the title. You should be proud of me, by the way. I didn't include White Chicks even though I wanted to so badly. Here are my favorites.

1) The Color Purple
I wore my VHS tape of this out when I was a kid. I just love this film so much.

2) Blue is the Warmest Color
I don't think I'll ever stop raving about this wonderful French film.

3)Black Swan
My favorite Aronofsky film and also one of my favorites in recent memory. 


  1. I LOVE Blue Valentine, respect The Color Purple and find Black Swan one of the most overrated films ever...but it's technically astonishing, so I kind of love it.

    Regardless...brilliant picks!

    1. Nooo Black Swan is awesome! Even though I had to talk my husband into seeing it with "But Mila Kunis goes down on Natalie Portman!" lol

  2. I almost chose Black Swan but figured someone else would. It's one of very few films that I've seen twice in the theater. Love it SO MUCH. I need to see The Color Purple - I had some idea in my head that it was bad but keep hearing really good things about it.

    1. No, it's really wonderful. It does drag a bit in the second act though.

  3. Great picks! Others that come to mind are Ma Vie en Rose (My Life in Pink) and Pretty in Pink. Also On Golden Pond.

  4. I almost picked The Color Purple myself. One of my first memorable movie experiences, though I'm not sure why my Mom thought it would be appropriate for such a young kid. Blue is the Warmest Color made my blue themed list. Loved Black Swan as well. Not sure if I could ever do that to myself again though. Intense as shit, sister!

    1. Lol I watched The Color Purple as a kid too. Both our mothers didn't think that one through.

  5. Blue is the Warmest Colour and Black Swan are amazing. Great picks there. Somehow I've never seen The Color Purple.. should probably change that sometime soon.

  6. I put off watching The Color Purple for years because I didn't care for the book but finally got around to it last year. I didn't love it but both the acting and the cinematography were impressive so it wasn't a waste. I'd never watch it again though.

    I liked Black Swan, not as much as the others I saw it with but it had some excellent pieces. Loved Barbara Hershey's performance as her whackadoodle mother.

    Blue is the Warmest Color is on my list but haven't gotten to it yet.

    1. Hershey made me so uncomfortable in that film! I hope you like Blue is the Warmest color when you check it out.

  7. I almost picked Blue is the Warmest Color as well! That was a wonderful film. Haven't seen The Color Purple and Black Swan, though should probably get to it some time.

    1. Yes, definitely! I almost didn't pick Blue because I've actually used it on a couple other movie picks, but I just can't stop thinking about that movie.

  8. Love The Color Purple and Blue is the Warmest Color. Seriously considered picking both, myself. Really like Black Swan, too. Great picks!

  9. BLACK SWAN! It's black, or specifically, pitch-black. I love the directing there and also Natalie Portman, so mesmerizing! Great choice!

    1. Thank you! Easily one of my favorite movies of the last few years.

  10. All three of these movies are absolutely amazing. There are people who think The Colour Purple isn't that good, that it's too sappy or sentimental, but I really love it.

    1. Yeah, I don't find it too sappy or sentimental at all either. It's an important movie to me.

  11. Black Swan, it's gorgeous and dark and I love it. Have yet to see the other two.

    1. After all of this, I now have the urge to watch Black Swan again.

  12. Great picks. I would've gone with the obvious - the Three Colors trilogy. ;)

    1. I need to see those. I have them and the Before trilogy in my Netflix queue.


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