Indie Gems: The One I Love

And you thought your marriage counseling was weird.

Ethan (Mark Duplass) and Sophie (Elizabeth Moss) are having marital problems. They're seeing a therapist (Ted Danson) who recommends they go to a secluded house to work on their issues. When they get there, everything is beautiful. It's big, there's lots to do. There's a guest house across the lawn, and that's when the mysterious things start happening. 

Moss and Duplass are great here. The entire film rests on their shoulders and they run with it. It's very different from anything else I've seen on this subject, and that just makes me love it even more. The further we get into the film, the more questions arise, and it's just fascinating to see what these characters do.

This film is on Netflix Instant, and don't let anyone spoil the twist for you. It's a fun experience. 

Grade: A

Memorable Quote: "Why did you do it?" - Sophie (Elizabeth Moss)


  1. I keep wondering if I should see this. Now I know I should.

    1. You really should, it lives up to the hype (and it's on Netflix Instant)

  2. This one really impressed me, as well! Such a simple plot but, at the same time, totally mind blowing.

    1. Exactly! I heard a lot of good things about this prior, and they were all true.

  3. You know what.. didn't like it. I don't know why, I must have been in a bad mood or something because it was not the movie for me that day.

    1. That's okay! We can't all agree, ha. I'm sorry you didn't like it.

  4. Wow, I haven't seen Ted Danson in years. :-) Thanks for bringing this movie to my attention. I'll check it out.

  5. so glad you loved this one! you're right, it's soooo different from what you'd expect

  6. This was a fantastic movie! The twist was unexpected.

  7. I feel like they really didn't do enough with the premise, but the performances are really good. I also didn't like how they handled the ending - either fully explain what's going on or leave it a complete mystery. But overall, I liked it and keep recommending it to people.

    1. Ah, see I really liked the ending. The final scene was fantastic. I'm not sure if explaining it more would've ruined the mystery around it. I like how they handled it.

  8. I was so intrigued by this movie! The ending was pitch-perfect, and Elizabeth Moss is becoming a favorite. And creepy Ted Danson is always a good choice.

    1. Elizabeth Moss was wonderful here. I loved that ending too.

  9. Yeah, this film was a nice surprise. Loved Moss and Duplass together.


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