Review: Lost River

In case you ever wondered what doing schrooms was like...

Billy (Christina Hendricks) lives in the run down city of Lost River with her sons Bones (Iain De Caestecker) and Franky. (Landyn Stewart) They are in danger of losing their house, so Billy takes a job at a gory club where they reenact murders. Bones had been stealing copper from abandoned houses to earn extra cash, but now he's being pursued by Bully. (Matt Smith) Bully starts to not only terrorize Bones, but also his neighbor/girlfriend Rat. (Saoirse Ronan)

This film feels very disjointed. On one hand, Bones, Rat, and Billy are very intriguing characters. Especially the first two. Their scenes together were the best in the film. I feel like director/writer Ryan Gosling tried too hard to make an "art film." He comes off as pretentious with the imagery. There were times his actors were giving very emotional performances, but the camera was everywhere except their faces. While some of those shots were beautiful, it ended up being a bit of an overkill. 

Hendricks, De Caestecker, and Ronan all gave fine performances. They always do. Matt Smith was terrible. His character is so over the top and ridiculous I hated every single moment he was on screen. Seriously, what were they thinking?

The tone is creepy, and the score was very eerie and fit well but I didn't get the sense that Gosling wanted to make this film his own. It's like he wanted to make a Nicolas Winding Refn film. It's a shame that he got such talented actors, had a semi interesting story, then just vomited neon lights and shadows all over it. 

Recommended: No

Grade: C

Memorable Quote: "What else do I have?" - Bones (Iain De Caestecker)


  1. This looked horrible, but I'm so intrigued by the prospect of it being completely awful that I kind of want to see it...

    1. I'd love to read your review on it so please see it. lol

  2. I haven't seen the film, just rented it on iTunes (before I saw your review).

    "It's like he wanted to make a Nicolas Winding Refn film. It's a shame that he got such talented actors, had a semi interesting story, then just vomited neon lights and shadows all over it"

    I haven't seen the film, but reading about this film I got the impression that Gosling would just copy Refn style and not really travel his own route. Seems me feelings were correct.

    1. I rented it off iTunes too. It's not terrible, but it's definitely not good. Lots of wasted potential.

  3. I'd be lying had I said I wish you enjoyed it more, ahha. Matt Smith was truly awful. Those scenes with him screaming and howling toward the beginning of the film were torturous. I really wanted to punch him in the face. I think he was written as obnoxious as he was in hopes he'd be the "bad guy you love to hate", but no...

    I really hope Gosling doesn't take another crack at directing.

    1. Right? Like, what the actual fuck was that? Yeah, Gosling should just stick to being shirtless or something.

  4. I know this is shit, and I expect that I will hate it, but yet I am very interested to watch it. I love Hendricks, Ronan, and Im curious at seeing Matt Smith after watching Doctor Who

    1. Matt Smith is fucking terrible in this. The other two are good.

  5. Your last sentence is classic. :-) It is a shame this isn't better -- I really like the cast. And having an actress from Firefly and a former Doctor is a geek's dream.

    1. I know. I'm bummed because I love Ronan and De Caestecker so much.

  6. Of all guys to emulate, it only makes sense that Gosling would choose NWR. And I know he was in it and all, but did he actually watch Only God Forgives? Cause no one was clamoring for more shit like that. No one.

    (But yeah...still interested [cause I'm stupid])

    1. The story itself is interesting, and it IS better than Only God Forgives, but yeah, Gosling still didn't succeed in making a good movie.

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  8. Ha, I'm trying to keep my expectations down. I rented this on iTunes, so I'll check it out soon. :)

    1. That's what I did too. I hope it works better for you. If not, I hope it's at least entertaining. :)

  9. Not recommended eh? Well I figure as much. I like Hendricks, De Caestecker, and Ronan but I have no love for Gosling so I probably won't even rent this one.

    1. Yeah, I'm not big on Gosling either. He's given great performances in a few films, but I don't rush out to see him.

  10. I got to Hendricks/scalpel scene and stopped watching but I have to finish it. I understood maybe 10% of this movie so far

    1. There's not much left after that but it definitely gets weirder. lol

  11. This sounds awful and yet I might watch it just to see how awful it is. I think you're right in Gosling not making this movie his own and emulating Nicolas Winding Refn's style. The cast line up sounds great though.

    1. I knew going in that it was't going to be good, but the curiosity was there. Gosling should not direct.

  12. I'm curious about this movie (I love weird and surrealistic films) but I will proceed cautiously. I like Christina Hendricks, she was classic as 'Saffron' in "Firefly" (my 2nd favorite TV show) and she is an altogether gorgeous and talented actress. I enjoyed Matt Smith as the Doctor but I'm not under the impression that he's the best actor frankly. Good review!

    1. Smith is TERRIBLE in this, but the film itself is intriguing. It's not bad, it just could've been better if Gosling would've given it the effort.


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