Thursday Movie Picks: Police Movies

This week's theme from Wandering Through the Shelves is dedicated to those who protect and serve. I've been binge watching The Wire recently, so I feel like I've spent a lot of time with police on my TV lately. Here are some of my favorites, but honestly there's so many good ones it's hard to narrow it down. 

1) Se7en

One of my all time favorite movies, you can't help but love the detectives in this film. It's so creepy and fascinating.

2) The Departed

How can you not have a higher respect for undercover police work after watching this? I love The Departed, it's just smart film making. 

3) End of Watch

This one is completely different from the other two just by the way it was shot. It's all done documentary style and it feels so real. The ending gutted me. 


  1. I've seen two of your picks, both great films. The 'corpse' scene in Se7en (the scene with the SWAT team) made me jump at the first time of seeing it.

    Haven't seen End of Watch, but I did buy it for my brother's birthday (because I heard if was good).

    1. It's really interesting. I just like the way they shot it. It's easily one of the best "found footage" type films out there.

  2. I want to pick Se7en too, but I'm not sure if it's really a cop movie or more of mystery...
    Great picks!

  3. I almost went with Se7en AND End of Watch! I was kicking myself for not picking End of Watch because I was afraid no one else would. Great movie.

    1. I can easily say this is highest quality group of picks I've seen so far this week. Se7en is one of my all time faves and The Departed might be on the list as well. The End of Watch blew me away, as well. Great great choices.

    2. Thank you, Dell! <3

      Fisti, we're twins. lol Those are both great films. I actually thought Se7en would be more popular.

  4. Se7en! BRILLIANT film. Love it so much. I need to see End of Watch, I keep hearing great things about it. I did not really care for The Departed the way seemingly everyone else on planet Earth seems to, which has always made me wonder if I just saw a completely different film than everyone else.

    1. Se7en is spectacular. It's one of my all time favs.

  5. I appreciated Se7en more than liked it, I just found it too dark to really enjoy but a good film. Everybody seems to love The Departed so I'm going against the tide but I hated it. I didn't like End of Watch either which disappointed me since I like Jake so much.

    1. Really? I don't think I've ever met someone that hated the Departed. lol. It's okay though.

  6. I can't believe I still haven't seen End of Watch. It was even on my list of movies to watch this week but Thursday came fast. I love Se7en and was glad to see it on your list. Brad Pitt has come a long way as an actor since though.

    1. Definitely. While Brad Pitt is very popular, I think he's kind of underrated as an actor. Most people seem to like him for his looks, but he really is great.

  7. I'm glad you like End of Watch too. I really need to see The Departed soon!

    1. You've never seen it? Wow, yes you do. It's excellent.

  8. Great picks! I haven't seen End of Watch but might check it out since Gyllenhaal has been doing great films lately.

  9. Se7en and The Departed are awesome! And I really like the performances in End of Watch.

  10. Awesome picks! All of them have stayed with me since I first watched them, it's hard to pick one favorite out of the three. :)

  11. Seen all. One is one of my picks and I seriously contemplated having the other two as my picks as well.


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