Thursday Movie Picks: Affairs

This week's theme from Wandering Through the Shelves is about affairs. I swear sometimes I feel like I'm having an affair with my blog. I don't actually tell anyone I know that I do this. There's a lot of great films out there that fit, but I'm going to try to stick with films I haven't used in any of the previous years. Admit it, you were expecting American Beauty to land here?

1) The Good Girl

Until Cake, this was probably Jennifer Aniston's best role. She's Justine, who ends up having an affair with a young colleague that she finds intriguing. 

2) The King

Gael Garcia Bernal plays a young man who goes to look for the father he never knew, only to have that man, played by John Hurt turn him away. So he goes an has an affair with his 16 year old daughter. 

3) Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus

Diane's affair with Lionel starts as curiosity and grows into a companionship she craves. Though you feel very bad for Diane's husband, who is a stand up guy through all of this. 


  1. I haven't seen any of your picks this week, but I guess I'll have to check out The Good Girl because of Jennifer Aniston.

    1. Good Girl is easily my favorite Aniston movie. She's lovely in it.

  2. Haven't seen any of these. Thought I saw The Good Girl, but I actually saw another Aniston flick where she has an affair, with Clive Owen, no less. It's called Derailed. Very underrated in my opinion. Sounds like I should see The Good Girl...and Cake.

    1. Oh Derailed, I know I saw that in theaters but I don't remember much from it. Skip Cake though, that movie was disappointing, even though Aniston is good in it.

  3. I've only seen The Good Girl which I didn't like very much though it had three good performances at its core. I'm very intrigued by The King, looks like it has a terrific cast. Fur sound like an excellent fit though the chances of me watching it are slim, I can't stand Kidman nor latter day RDJ.

    There are almost limitless choices for this week's theme so I just chose three favorites and was done with it. Those are:

    Second Skin (2000)-Madrid housewife Elena (Ariadna Gil) suspects her husband Alberto (Jordi Molla) of having an affair, threatening their seemingly happy life with their son. Devastated when she discovers not only that her suspicions were correct but that the person he is involved with is a man, surgeon Diego (Javier Bardem) she confronts Alberto. At first he insists that it was a momentary lapse but eventually confesses that he is genuinely in love with Diego and torn between his two lives.

    They Won’t Believe Me (1947)-Larry Ballentine (Robert Young) is on trial for murder and as he takes the stand in his defense the film explores the story of how he’s found himself there. Indifferent to his wealthy wife Gretta (Rita Johnson) who loves him deeply Larry is a cad involved in a quadrangle with her, his mistress Janice (Jane Greer) and a secretary at his insurance office, Verna (Susan Hayward). A reprobate who is never satisfied with what he has he makes a series of selfish decisions that lead to tragedy. Even if he’s innocent of the crime accused is he indeed blameless. Nifty noir with a super, out of character performance from the usually good guy Young and a great ending.

    The Macomber Affair (1947)-Francis Macomber (Robert Preston) and his wife Margaret (Joan Bennett) arrive in Kenya for a safari and hire experienced hunter Robert Wilson (Gregory Peck) as their guide. Their marriage is a troubled one and Margaret becomes openly interested in Wilson with disastrous consequences. A three person chamber piece with both Peck and Preston doing good work but the standout is the under-appreciated Joan Bennett as a woman turned into a hard article by a bad marriage. Though subtle gestures and sly looks she gives the film a tough grounded center and has rarely looked so beautiful. A solid adventure film with noir elements and a Hemingway feel. The film is an adaptation of one of his short stories.

    1. I've never heard of your picks, but I like the title of the 2nd one. I might have to check that one out. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I never saw The Good Girl and I really should. Never heard of your second one but I LOVE Gael Garcia Bernal so I will have to check it out. I've only heard terrible things about Fur, though.

    1. I don't see how anyone could hate Fur unless they were massive Diane Arbus fans and don't like the creative liberty taken there. lol. I thought it was great

  5. The Good Girl I think is one of Jennifer Aniston's better performances along with Friends with Money and Office Space. The King is an underrated film.

    1. I'm glad someone else has at least seen The King! I admit Pell James was a bit distracting because she clearly wasn't a teenager when she filmed, but considering her subject matter that was probably for the better.

  6. Guess what?..... I haven't seen any of these either...hahahahaaaa we keep picking films the other hasn't seen. I have heard of The Good Girl and it sounds good as does the other 2 I shall mark them down and see if I can find them.

    1. lol nice. You with the oldies and me with the indies.

  7. I haven't seen the last two, but The Good Girl was a great movie. Jennifer Aniston was amazing in it. I have yet to see Cake, though I heard she was also great in it.

    1. She's great in Cake, but the movie itself isn't very good. The Good Girl is better, IMO.

  8. I remember renting Good Girl years ago--back when video stores still existed. It was one of Aniston's best films. I completely forgot Gyllenhaal was in that movie. John C. Reilly was excellent too.

    1. lol video stores. I think that's how I saw this movie initially too. John C. Reilly was great, I love it when he throws a drama in there every now and then.

  9. The King sounds intriguing and packed full of mind games. I'll keep a look out for that! I'll also do the same for Good Girl, it's nice to see actors in slightly different roles when they're often type cast

    1. The King is a really quiet film, but it's got a really interesting story. Talking about it makes me want to pop in my DVD again.

  10. Great picks - ones I forgot about. I found Fur disturbing but looking at it as fiction its not too bad. Its quite odd, even when he shaves off all his hair. I haven't seen The KIng but have wanted to for so long! I bought in 2007 and still haven't seen it!!

    1. I read a good amount of people didn't realize that was RDJ until that scene. That would be pretty shocking. You should watch the King!

  11. The King sounds all kinds of awesome. Sign me up. As for the other two, like the group, haven't seen those either.

    Personally, thought it's obvious, I would have went with Unfaithful. An adulterous Diane Lane? Yes, please.

    1. lol I think I saw Unfaithful pop up somewhere yesterday.

  12. I love The Good Girl. Now why didn't I think of that?

  13. I'm glad you picked The Good Girl. It's an underrated film.


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