Review: Crazy Rich Asians

We're comfortable...

Rachel Chu (Constance Wu) is an economics professor in NYC who goes to Singapore with her boyfriend, Nick (Henry Golding) for this best friend's wedding. She's meeting Nick's family for the first time, and she knows next to nothing about them. Especially about them being crazy rich.

I had never heard of the best selling novel this is based off of prior to the trailer coming out. So I can't compare the two. I'm also not usually a fan of romantic comedies. I'm struggling to remember the last big studio rom com I even saw in theaters, but this had a lot of hype surrounding it. Not to mention the last time a film with an exclusively Asian cast opened in a wide release in the United States was in 1993. Let that ridiculous stat wash over you for a minute. 

Pro tip: Do not go to this movie hungry. Because not only is the production of this movie absolutely gorgeous, it doesn't stop at outfits and sets. It goes straight to the food. I was starving when I left this. This is also the first romantic comedy that I've actually cried in. Yes, that could be attributed into me just growing into a bigger wuss as I get older but I had tears flowing for a solid 10 minutes in this film, both happy and sad. 

Constance Wu is perfectly cast and it really makes me hate that I haven't seen a lot of her other work. I loved her as Rachel. While this film isn't immune to some rom com cliches, Rachel the character manages to avoid the most egregious ones that the leading lady would normally suffer. Henry Golding in his debut role is also great as Nick. You can tell how much he loves Rachel and there's never a hint of anything else there. For the supporting cast, Michelle Yeoh, Awkwafina, Gemma Chan, and Nico Santos are the standouts.

Like I mentioned earlier, the production is spectacular. This is the only film that comes close to rivaling Black Panther this year in the costume department. It also features quite possibly the most beautiful wedding I've ever seen. I'm glad director Jon M. Chu insisted this film be for the big screen and didn't go the Netflix route. There are a few misses. Ken Leong, even though he has a very small part was a tad over the top and annoying and all the catty characters were paper thin, they're not the focal point of this film so it doesn't suffer.

Recommended: Yes

Grade: B+

Memorable Quote: "But you have a Jamba Juice punch use my Netlflix account." - Rachel (Constance Wu)


  1. I'm so happy to read this!! It won't come out in the UK until November but I'm so excited to see this, the hype has been so good and your endorsement is all I ever need. Awesome!!

    1. Thank you! :) I hope you enjoy it when it hits theaters.

  2. This has caught me a bit off guard. To my shame I wrote it off but feel an urge to see it. Plan on checking it out Friday.

    1. This isn't the type of movie I'd normally go for either. It's very surprising.

  3. Oh sweet lord, a movie that's going to make me cry and be hungry?! I need to see it ASAP.

    1. There is so much food porn lol. I'm sure it wasn't intentional but I was just staring at everything like "!"

  4. My mother wants to see this. She loves Asian culture. I have no interest in seeing it as I'll just wait for it on TV with very low expectations.

    1. Low expectations is good because then it will likely surpass them.

  5. I like your tip about not going in hungry. I've been craving dumplings ever since.

  6. I want to see this movie because I heard good things about it plus, it has Michelle Yeoh whom I love. I watch The Late Show with Trevor Noah(I tape it as it is on past my bed time) and he has some comedians who talk/rant on his show...I wonder if that Ken Leong is the one from the show because he can be over the top on the show also although he can be funny.

    1. Leong's the guy from The Hangover. He can be too much for me personally, but I think I'm more in the minority for that one.

  7. I liked it, but not quite as much as everyone else. It was just way too predictable. That said, I agree on the production design and the acting. Well, I will say audibly groaned about the wedding. Way too over the top ridiculous for me. Despite how it sounds, though like I said, I did like it.

    1. That's what I found so beautiful about it, it was over the top. That was the definition of "extra."

  8. Nice review! I just got to see this, and Constance Wu is my new favorite. She was stunning. And that wedding was GORGEOUS.


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