Ranking Netflix Series

In continuation with my ranking TV shows by network series, let's talk about the next streaming behemoth that gets a lot of my views. I'm only ranking shows that I have at least seen an entire season of (the Marvel shows kind of forced me to make this adjustment from my previous HBO post, where I only shared shows where I saw every single episode) Not all of these shows are Netflix originals, some are just distributed by them, but since this is my source of watching they are included to. I also decided to exclude docuseries because those could be its own post all together and the animated shows I watch with my kid. And before you ask about Ozark, I know. I never got past the first season.

Space Force - This show is painfully unfunny and I'm shocked it was renewed for a season season. 

Jessica Jones - I know, worst than The Iron Fist? Let me explain. I had HUGE expectations for Jessica Jones because on paper and in the trailers it looked great. I give this show endless props for the way it addressed sexual assault and the ramifications of it, but I can't ignore the wooden acting, the awful fight choreography, and how bland the supporting cast was. I never expected to like Jessica Jones the least and it hurts. I never bothered with the second season after watching all of the first.

The Iron Fist - This show got trashed for its white savior complex far before it even premiered, so when I started watching it with rock bottom expectations, I ended up not hating it nearly as much as I thought I would. Danny and Colleen actually had great chemistry and the fight scenes were well done. It wasn't good, and I didn't bother with the second season, but it wasn't the heaping dumpster fire I expected.

The Defendors - I liked this but the reason it ranks so low, despite finally getting this group together is because it still managed to drag when it only had 8 episodes. The biggest hurdle Marvel Netflix shows have is they are all too long, and even though it was nice seeing them all together, it still suffered from pacing issues. 

Luke Cage - The first half of season one is SO GOOD, then they switch the main villain and the show never recovers, even into season two. There's a lot I do like about this show but Mahershala Ali was such a great bad guy and I loved that part of the story with Luke. 

The Haunting of Hill House/Bly Manor - Both solid ghost stories. I prefer Hill House to Bly Manor but I figured I would group them together for simplicity sake.

When They See Us - This was a very powerful four episode series and I still think about it fairly often. The actors were fantastic.

Daredevil - My favorite of the Marvel Netflix shows, I loved Charlie Cox, Loved Vincent D'Onofrino as Fisk, and I loved that they brought in Jon Bernthal as The Punisher. The fight scenes were great, music is excellent, but I have one petty complaint about this show, and it's Karen. I like Deborah Ann Wohl as an actress, I thought she was great in True Blood but the weird quirks she gave Karen started to grate me. Then there was the fact that she's just handed these very high level jobs with no training or experience that felt so distracting. She had no chemistry with Cox, and she alone is the reason I didn't watch The Punisher series because I just didn't want any more of her character. I do hope Marvel incorporates Daredevil into the MCU, but I really don't care if I never see Karen again.

Orange is the New Black - This was a show that I started off loving, then hated for a few seasons, but then the final season wrapped everything up in the best way they could, and I appreciated them for that. I still hate that some of my favorites characters, like Poussey and Taystee got such awful endings, but you could tell the actors loved this show and I'm glad I stuck with it, even during the seasons I had issues with.

Peaky Blinders - After years of saying I was going to watch this I finally did and I think it's wonderful. Cillian Murphy is excellent, the 5th season wasn't as a good as the others, but I'm looking forward to season 6.

Unorthodox - At four episodes, this is also a very quick watch about a girl escaping an Orthodox Jewish community but it is so moving. Shira Haas is extraordinary.

The Queen's Gambit - This is one of the best mini series Netflix has ever done. It had an insane amount of hype and lived up to all of it.

The Crown - I feel like I've been raving nonstop about The Crown since season 4 ended. Claire Foy in seasons 1 and 2 is still the best thing ever, but even with the uneventful 3rd season, season 4 came in swinging. I adore this and plan on re-watching it all again once I catch up with everything else.

Stranger Things - I worry sometimes how long this show can sustain itself but I love these kids. They found a really talented bunch of young actors and I can't wait for the next season.

Black Mirror - I could (and probably will) do an entire post dedicated to Black Mirror. It's one of my favorite shows of all time. While I don't love every single episode, the good far outweighs the bad and I go back and re-watch it often. I could talk about this endlessly and if you haven't seen it, you need to. My recommendation is probably to start with Season 1 episode 2 first, then go back to episode one later. The reason being is that is VERY graphic and honestly the rest of the show isn't like that at all, and I know that puts a lot of people off from continuing. When I first started watching this, I had watched  all of season 3 first before going back, so that episode to me was more amusing then horrifying and shocking, but I can see how it puts people off immediately. 


  1. I haven't seen a lot of the shows on Netflix with the exception of Cobra Kai though it really started off as a YouTube Red show. I have seen a bit of Daredevil and Charlie Cox is perfect as I heard he might be in the new Spider-Man film. I hope it makes a figure in the MCU and eventually get his own solo film where it would be done right.

    1. I hope that rumor about him being in Spider-Man is true because he's one of the few Netflix characters I really want to keep seeing lol. Thanks for reading!

  2. I've only seen STRANGER THINGS and can't wait for the next season to FINALLY arrive!

  3. Wow, we really disagree on Jessica Jones. I think it's the best of the NetFlix MCU shows, closely followed by the first season of Daredevil (seriously--Vincent D'Onofrio is genius casting).

    1. I wanted to like Jessica Jones so badly. D'Onofrio's casting is amazing I really, really hope we see him again in the MCU.

  4. I just finished watching The Crown for the first time and I'd rather die than rewatch the whole thing again. I loved the acting but the show is so meh.

    1. lol The only season that fell flat for me was S3. Claire Foy is still my favorite thing about it. I miss her.

  5. I would LOVE it if you ranked the Black Mirror episodes. I've probably seen about 1/3rd of them all and it's impossible to decide which ones to watch next.

    1. I should do that. I feel like a lot of my middle ones change places but my Top 6 or so and Bottom 3 always stay the same.

  6. Great list!! Daredevil is my fave of my fave Marvel Netflix show by a long shot, so sad when it ended. Never watched The Iron Fist but probably not gonna start. The Queen's Gambit and The Crown are top notch, boy Netflix spend $$$$ on their shows!

    1. They really do. I don't know how this service sustains itself with the amount of crap they have on it though. lol

  7. Nice reviews! I liked the first season of Jessica Jones, but I don't think it would've worked without David Tennant. The second season was atrocious. I couldn't even review it. lol Stranger Things is great, but the first season was the best one so far. I want to be excited for the next one, but I don't know. Have to wait and see.

    1. Tennant was definitely the highlight. He was the only main actor that wasn't completely wooden.


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