Thursday Movie Picks: Police Detectives


This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is about police detectives. There's plenty of films to choose from, so here are a few of my favorites. 

1) Se7en -
I couldn't let the Detective theme go without picking one of my favorite movies of all time. Despite its creepy and uncomfortable subject matter I could watch this over and over.

2) Memories of Murder -
Speaking of creepy and uncomfortable, this film by Bong Joon Ho is so good. If you're keen to check out more of his work after Parasite, definitely find this. 

3) The Nice Guys-
And so we're not all glooming and dooming here, this film still makes me laugh just thinking about it. I never expected to like this as much as I do.


  1. Se7en is excellent and so creepy. I have not heard of the second film but willing to see it, I get a real kick out The Nic Guys. Crowe and Gosling make an excellent team and I love that scene when Gosling is dreaming.

    1. Oh I know. The Nice Guys really stuck with me and I never expected it to.

  2. I love Se7en and almost picked it myself. Memories of Murder is one I really want to see and hopefully I will soon.

  3. When I saw Se7en in the theatre on its initial release I thought it was a well made deeply disturbing picture with tremendous performances, but that one view was enough. It's too grisly for me.

    The Nice Guys was pleasant but I think I went into it with too high expectations. I enjoyed it but haven't given it a second thought since.

    I've heard of but haven't seen Memories of Murder.

    You're right there are plenty of choices this week so I decided to do a theme within the theme-70's flicks with the main character's name as the title-to narrow it down.

    Serpico (1973)-Based on the autobiographical book of the same name this looks at honest NYPD cop Frank Serpico (Al Pacino) and his struggles against the corruption that permeated the department in the 60’s and his ultimate role of whistleblower after earning his detective shield. Gritty drama anchored by Pacino’s Oscar nominated performance captures the feeling of a grimy corruption plagued New York City.

    Brannigan (1975)-Chicago police detective Jim Brannigan (John Wayne) hops a plane to England to extradite American gangster Ben Larkin (John Vernon). His brash ways clash with the more reserved British methods of Scotland Yard Commander Swann (Richard Attenborough) but when Larkin is kidnapped before Brannigan can take him into custody rough and tumble cop takes off on a manhunt through the streets of London assisted by Detective Sergeant Jennifer Thatcher (Judy Geeson). Fun actioner was one of the Duke’s final films, the fresh locale invigorating his performance.

    Stone (1974)-In 70’s Australia members of the biker gang The GraveDiggers witness a political assassination while under the influence of hallucinogenics and shortly afterwards begin to be killed one by one. Police detective Stone (Ken Shorter) goes undercover within the gang to try and ferret out the killer. He bonds somewhat with the members but when he uncovers a conspiracy, he must make a choice between his job and loyalty to the gang. VERY 70’s film is more concerned with footage of motorcycles, skinny dipping and exploitation than telling a really cohesive story.

    1. Highly recommend Memories of Murder. It's excellent. I haven't seen any of your picks. The Pacino one interests me the most since I've been watching a decent amount of him lately. I just watched Scarface for the first time.

    2. Serpico is the best of the three, actually they run in descending order of quality as listed. That's not to say Brannigan is bad just not as good as the Pacino film, Stone however is weak.

      I HATED that version of Scarface so much!! But I am a Pacino fan, if you've never seen Dog Day Afternoon and Scarecrow those are peak films of his. Avoid Revolution though at all costs, it's a total mess.

    3. Yeah, I wasn't a huge fan of Scarface, it was fine but way too long. I love him in Dog Day Afternoon, that's probably my 2nd favorite performance of his after the Godfather films. I haven't seen Scarecrow.

  4. Great picks! That gif of Gosling in Nice Guys is a hoot. Love your gifs too, I just might do the same on my post :-)

    1. I love finding gifs! One of my favorite things about the internet.

  5. The Nice Guys is such a lovely surprise--not unlike Kiss Kiss Bang Bang in that respect.

    I went into it not expecting much and loved it.

    Also, I'm 100% with you on Se7en. What a great film!

    1. I liked Kiss Kiss Bang Bang but I'd take Nice Guys over it any day.

  6. I still need to watch Se7en! I've been hearing nothing but good things about that film! Great list!

  7. You can't go wrong with any of those picks. Memories of Murder is a masterpiece and I'm so glad it's going to be out on Criterion in a few months. It's my favorite Bong Joon-Ho film so far as I was just entranced by it.

    1. I saw that! I might actually break and get a Criterion DVD. I haven't yet.

  8. Se7en is one of my all-time faves and The Nice Guys is a riot. So glad to see them both get some love. I love every Joon-Ho film I've seen and I've been meaning to see this one for years. Better get on it.

    1. Yes! I really hope you like Memories of Murder. It's wonderful.

  9. These are really good picks. I still need to see Memories of Murder and now I want to watch the other two again!

    1. I hope you get the chance to check out Memories of Murder.

  10. Nice picks! Ryan was hilarious in The Nice Guys. He needs to do more comedies. It's tough to rank David Fincher's films but Se7en is definitely up there. I'll have to check out Memories of Murder.

    1. He does. I was just laughing to myself about his SNL Papyrus sketch the other day. He's great in comedies.

  11. Se7en is so good. I'm so glad I recently watched it again... it just.. I love the vibe of that movie so much.

    1. I do too, and even though parts of it are so disturbing, it's easy to re-watch it.

  12. Se7en is a brilliant pick! I'm so bummed that I forgot about it!

  13. I love The Nice Guys, but the were private detectives, and I don't they had ever work for the police prior to that too or at least it was not mentioned.

    1. Gosling worked for the police, Crowe was a private detective.


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