Review: Everything Everywhere All At Once

Evelyn (Michelle Yeoh) is a Chinese immigrant who is just trying to do her taxes, work in the laundromat she owns, and plan a party when she's swept up into a multi-dimensional adventure with various versions of herself, her husband Waymond (Ke Huy Kwan) and daughter Joy. (Stephanie Hsu)

This film has been everywhere lately. At least that's how it feels on Twitter. It's nice to see what started as smaller film garner a wide release and have that many people talking about it. My theater was pretty full, and it seemed to cover all the spectrums. The people sitting behind me laughed their asses off the entire time, and a woman further down muttered "this is stupid" and got up and left half way through. Her loss. 

If you're looking for cohesive storytelling, know that this film will offer you none. It rushes through their explanations because they don't actually make sense. None of this movie does, and that's the fun part. It's a serious of jokes and funny moments thrown together as Evelyn makes her way through the multiverse. It will work for a certain kind of movie goer, and thankfully it worked for me. 

Yeoh is a superstar and I've really been loving everything she's done lately. I loved seeing Stephanie Hsu getting a bigger role as well. She's been great on her small part in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and Jamie Lee Curtis as the antagonist was a ton of fun.

So is this for you? That depends on how much you embrace randomness. If that's your thing and your in the mood to laugh, then this is definitely your cup of tea.

Grade: B


  1. oh wow, i actually thought it was cohesive, but it definitely throws you around quite a bit. it's a ride! i had never seen stephanie hsu before, so i can't wait to see what she does next

    1. She's great! I hope she gets a tons of projects after this.

  2. I love Michelle Yeoh so anything she is in I will try. Hey she was a great Bond lady who was the first heroine who could match Bondvin every way. Far ahead of Halle Berry

    1. I love her too. She wasn't one that was on my radar until the past few years and she's really climbed to the top of one of my must see actresses.

  3. I have heard great things about this film as I'd like to check it out but I think it's likely I'll wait for it when it's available for rental. Plus, happy to know that Short Round/Data is back in the game.

    1. My husband was pretty psyched about Data too. I didn't even notice lol

  4. I'm anxious to see this one. Unfortunately it STILL hasn't shown in our area. What's most annoying is that they pulled a press screening in order to coincide with the film's eventual release in our market. But then they told us it may not even get a release in this market. SIGH...

    1. Oh that's so annoying! Sometimes I wish I could just have a part time job as a booker for movie theaters so I could pick everything I want. lol

  5. I LOVE Michelle Yeoh and glad to see her being celebrated for her performance here. I like the movie and appreciate a lot about it, but I don't love it as most people seem to be on Twitter. Still, I'm glad this movie exists and I hope to see more bold movies like this w/ a diverse cast.

    1. Same, I don't love it as much as the Twitter masses, but I do enjoy it quite a bit.

  6. I've heard nothing but gushing praise for this film. I haven't had a chance to catch it in cinemas here, but will definitely make a push to catch it when it hits streaming. Great review, as always.

    1. I hope you get the chance to catch it soon! Especially in theaters, little films like this need our theater money.


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