Thursday Movie Picks: Environmental Wrongs / Disasters


This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is environmental wrongs/disasters. Wanderer specifies that this can't be a natural disaster, but rather something like Chernobyl. This made it really hard. I kept thinking of global warming related movies, but I'm not sure that counts here. I'm not even sure if these will end up being what she's looking for but I'm giving it my best shot.

1) Mockingjay (Part 1 and 2) -
War is what made the Hunger Games series what it was, but I landed on the Mockingjay trilogy because the Capital going nuclear on District 13, to the point where they have to live underground in secret feels like it fits here. 

2) 9 -
Now, it's been a long time since I've seen this, but the world is destroyed because of man-made machines leaving behind a wasteland. I need to watch this again. I remember liking the animation quite a bit. 

3) The Cove -
This one is a stretch, but I'm going to count mass dolphin slaughter as an environmental wrong. 


  1. I've heard of all three but seen none. I have and will continue to avoid anything Hunger Games so the first is one I'll never see. I've heard the last is compelling but deeply unsetting which has kept me away.

    This is a tough one. The first two I thought of-The China Syndrome and The Andromeda Strain-are about preventing an environmental disaster. Both great films though. Then there's the lowkey but engrossing Testament which deals with the slowly creeping damage of nuclear fallout in a small community outside San Francisco once its been destroyed by a strike.

    1. After seeing other picks, I definitely should've thought of Erin Brokovich and Dark Waters at the very least. I flopped lol

  2. I see Joel has recommended Testament, and I can second that. It's a brutal movie, but Jane Alexander would have been my pick for the Oscar that year. If you're in the mood for nuclear tragedy, The Day After was the "let's scare everyone in the U.S." film from my youth. It was plenty scary, but it doesn't hold a candle to the terrifying Threads.

  3. The Cove is the only film in that list I had seen as those poor dolphins. I ain't eating dolphin. I heard it's not even good to eat. I still need to watch those 2 films from the Hunger Games series just to finish the whole thing.

    1. Oh no way. I'm not trying dolphin or whale any time soon. I didn't care for the Mockingjay movies, but I didn't love the book either. They peaked with Catching Fire.

  4. The mass killing of dolphins is a disaster and I don't think I could watch this documentary because of the killing I have not seen the other 2 either and not sure if I will see any Hunger Games movies as they just don't interest me I think any poaching and killing of animals is beyond disgusting.

  5. I totally didn't think of apocalyptic/dystopian type of movies - because obviously mankind have done a lot of wrong environmentally there to make Earth so unlivable.

  6. I totally didn't think of apocalyptic/dystopian type of movies - because obviously mankind have done a lot of wrong environmentally there to make Earth so unlivable.

  7. Ooooh Mockingjay is a great pick, I can't believe I didn't think of that


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