Thursday Movie Picks: Psychics/Mediums

This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves features a word I misspell every single time I type it; psychics....and mediums. This topic was last week's theme for some due to a scheduling mix up, so you might see some diary/journal posts today. I posted my theme for that last week, and now here we go with 3 movies I enjoy.

1) Nightmare Alley (2021) -
I never saw the original but I loved the remake so much more than I expected. Bradley Cooper's character cosplays as a psychic...or does he really have that touch?

2) The Conjuring -
Our favorite horror mediums investigating the paranormal. This was another movie I was late too but it easily the best horror film of the past 10 years. 

3) Doctor Sleep -
Keeping with the theme of being surprised by films, I liked this one too! Doctor Sleep is somewhat of a medium and while this film is a bit overlong, it's very good and very creepy.


  1. I agree in geneal on these. I liked The Conjuring less than you did.

    I had really high hopes for Nightmare Alley (love the original, love del Toro), and it lived up to pretty much all of what I hoped for. The original is very much worth tracking down. It's a lot faster, and while it attempts something that feels like it might be an uplift at the end, it's amazingly dark for its era.

    I was surprised at how much I liked Doctor Sleep.

    1. I do need to see the original Nightmare Alley I've only heard good things.

  2. I'm 0 for 3 but with a caveat...I have seen the original Nightmare Alley and highly recommend you do the same!! I liked that version so much that I was leery when the plan for this one was announced but most of what I've heard has been positive and since the source novel not the film was used as the template for this the differences may be significant. But that original has a great bleak noir tone and fantastic performances across the board. I know this one has a fine cast but they have far to go to top the originators, particularly Helen Walker as the ice cold Lilith (a fine actress, but a hard luck dame whose life has several tragic incidents including her death at only 46)

    I've heard of your other picks but never got around to them, I'm drawn more to The Conjuring than Dr. Sleep.

    I thought of one of my favorite Edward G. Robinson movies-Night Has a Thousand Eyes (which costars another Hollywood tragedy-Gail Russell), the disquieting Séance on a Wet Afternoon and the fun spooker The Legend of Hell House (1973).

    1. The Conjuring is better than Doctor Sleep IMO so if you start somewhere, I'd suggest there. I haven't seen your two, but I've heard of The Legend of Hell House at least.

    2. I will heartily co-endorse Seance on a Wet Afternoon. Kim Stanley--who never did nearly enough film work--would have been my choice for the Oscar that year. It's a difficult role and an unforgiving one, and she navigates it perfectly.

  3. I really like Nightmare Alley especially the cinematography. Cooper and Blanchett were made for each other.

  4. I have seen the original Nightmare Alley as it is a film to watch as I totally recommend it while I really did enjoy Guillermo's remake. I haven't seen the other 2 picks.

    1. You should check out the last two! The Conjuring is creepy

  5. Doctor Sleep and The Conjuring are great picks! I still need to see Nightmare Alley.


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