Thursday Movie Picks - Retro Chic

This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is retro-chic! Films set in modern times, but the styles of clothing and what not look like they could've been from an earlier decade. I love this idea. Here's what I came up with

1) God Help The Girl -
This lovely little musical looks like it could be set in the 60's. In fact, I assumed it was until Emily Browning's character brought out her smart phone. 

2) Magic Magic -
Another Emily Browning film, I remember thinking the clothing in this film looked very dated, but in retrospect they were a bit ahead of the curve. There was lots of chunky sweaters and turtlenecks in this that I felt like just didn't fit with what the trends were at the time. Now, I wouldn't bat an eyelash.

3) It Follows -
One of the cool things about this movie was you couldn't really tell what decade it was meant to be in. All the set pieces feel like an 80's movie, but people are driving modern cars. Jay has that little shell phone/e-reader thing. I loved how ambiguous it was, but it felt older.


  1. I'm 0 for 3 on yours this week though all sound worth looking into.

    This is a tough one and at first I had nothing and now I’m afraid anything I come up with is going to be a reach but here goes. The Last King of Scotland because of Forest Whitaker’s fondness for all things Scottish no matter the period. The Velvet Goldmine is all about glam 70’s rock and those outfits often hark back to different periods, and in a similar vein the uber depressing Sid & Nancy about the sick relationship between Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen that resulted in her death. I’m thinking it works because punk pulled style from other times into a mishmash of looks. Not great matches I know but this one really puzzled me.

    1. I've seen all of those! I love The Last King of Scotland, and I will forever be salty that James McAvoy didn't get an Oscar nomination for it. I just saw Velvet Goldmine within the last couple of years, and that fits. Sid & Nancy was good too. I never think of Punk as "retro" but it has evolved so it certainly has retro items. Now I kind of want to go down a Punk deep dive. lol

  2. I bowed out for this one as I couldn't think of anything but I have seen It Follows which is a great film. I really want to see the other 2 films as I do like Emily Browning a lot.

    1. Emily is great. Highly recommend both. Juno Temple is amazing in Magic Magic.

  3. I had a tough time this week. I never heard of your films but they fir rhe bill

    1. It seems a lot of people had a tough time this week, but these ones came so quickly lol.

  4. I wanted to like God Help The Girl because the retro-ness was charming but some of the musical moments were super awkward I thought.

    1. It was very rough around the edges, I agree. But I liked that about it.

  5. I've never heard of your first two picks - but they both sounds like something I'd enjoy 😅


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