Review: Alice, Darling

Alice (Anna Kendrick) is in an abusive relationship that she does her best to hide. She finds herself in an unintentional intervention about this when she goes on a birthday trip with her two close friends, Tess (Kaniehtiio Horn) and Sophie. (Wummi Mosaku)

Watching this on International Women's Day was fitting. I love female friendships, and the ones in this film felt so real. Alice being in her situation is not an easy person to be around before she admits to what is really bothering her. Sophie is understanding, Tess is annoyed, but it's also Tess who ends up getting these feelings out of her. I just loved the way these three women came together to work through Alice's trauma. It never once felt inauthentic. 

Anna Kendrick has spoken about her own experience being in an emotionally abuse relationship and that's why this role spoke to her. I can imagine it wasn't easy for her to act out Alice's panic attacks, her hair pulling, her overall anxiety, but Kendrick is great in this. Mosaku was the breakout of the cancelled-too-soon Lovecraft Country so I loved seeing her here again. Sophie is really the glue that holds this group together. She's fair and a good listener and she felt so warm. Tess is going through her own personal struggles and Horn plays her with a much needed edge.

Director Mary Nighy does well with her first time feature. This is a quiet film, it's not out to reinvent the wheel on abusive relationship stories, but it's honest and good. Definitely worth your time.

Grade: B+


  1. man... i really wanted to like it as much as you did, because i really like the talent here. but i thought it was very stark

    1. Aww! I'm sorry it didn't work for you. I don't think I had super high expectations, so maybe that helped me.

  2. I've heard varied reactions to this but I still want to check it out. Notably for Anna Kendrick and Wunmi Mosaku as I am glad she's returning for season 2 of Loki.

    1. I'm really excited for Wunmi's career. She's fantastic. You can rent this on Prime!

  3. I liked it too. Interestingly, it's not one that has stuck with me. But I appreciated it, especially Kendrick's performance. She really opened my eyes.

    1. I'm glad! She was great. Really enjoyed this cast together.

  4. I was intrigued to see this as it seems like an unlikely role for Kendrick, though I'm not surprised she pulled it off. What a perfect choice for International Women's Day!

    1. It was! I was happy that I could rent it already on Prime.


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