Indie Gems: What Maisie Knew

Just because you can have a child, doesn't mean you know how to be a parent.
There's a time in our lives when it's okay to be a little self-centered. We need to care about our performances at our jobs, and be wrapped up in our own love lives. We have to find a time to love ourselves and live our lives. That being said, when you choose to bring a child into this world, you need to put their needs before yours. This is a little person that depends on you, and you need to be there for them. Poor  6 year old Maisie (Onata Aprile) doesn't have that.
Her mother, Susanna (Julianne Moore) and her father, Beale (Steve Coogan) are separating. Her father has booked up with Maisie's long time nanny, Margo. (Joanna Vanderham) They are in a bitter custody battle with the courts, they openly fight in front of her. Susanna talks to her like she's a friend rather than her young child and encourages her to lie about things in court. Beale seems to love his daughter, but he's far too caught up with work to give her the time of day, that usually falls to Margo. Susanna marries a man named Lincoln (Alexander Skarsgard) to "look better for court, since her ex is remarried as well." Lincoln and Maisie enjoy each other's company, and eventually Margo and Lincoln end up watching her more than her own parents do.
This was a hard film to watch, it was terrible seeing Maisie get let down over and over again. Her parents can't keep their days straight on who's turn it is to pick her up at school. Susanna leaves her at Lincoln's work one night when he's not even there. Margo and Beale get divorced, yet she still ends up responsible for Maisie. It's just sad all around. Especially since the whole story is told from Maisie's point of view, and even though she loves her family unconditionally, we the audience know she deserves better.
The performances are great all around and little Aprile has such a presence. This is one of the best films I've seen in 2013.
Grade: A
Memorable Quote: "He said we could go on the boat, tomorrow!" - Maisie (Onata Aprile)


  1. This looks interesting. I've been hearing good things about it though. Great review!

    1. Thanks! It was so interesting and heartbreaking at the same time.

  2. This sounds excellent although very sad. Adding it to my Netflix queue. Wonderful post!

    1. Thanks! As a mom, you will probably be just as outraged as I was at times with these parents. It's ridiculous.

  3. Nice review Brittani. Very sad movie, but even more heartbreaking because you know there are plenty of real-life, actual stories out there just like Maisie's, except sometimes, maybe even worse.

    1. I know. It's so depressing. You just want Margo and Lincoln to take Maisie away, but you know legally that would never happen.

  4. I completely agree with what you have said. When we decided to have our first child, we sat down and thought it over, because no matter what it is a life changing event and sacrifices have to be made. The films looks interesting and I'll have a go at it. Nice One!

  5. Oh man, I hate seeing sad and lonely kids in movies. Hopefully Alex will get me through this movie, I really want to see it.

    1. He looks good with a child, like he'd make a great father. That's pretty sexy.

    2. Yep. Him, Mads Mikkelsen and George Clooney make me dizzy when I see them playing fathers/caretakers for kids in films.


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