Review: Lovelace

17 days in the pornography business changed her life.
We first meet Linda (Amanda Seyfried in a bad wig) when she's a naïve 21 year old hanging out with her friend, Patsy. (Juno Temple) Linda catches the eye of Chuck (Peter Sarsgaard) and soon, she's moving in with him. We then see how Chuck takes control over Linda's life, and forces her into the pornography business for money. Only she becomes an overnight sensation when she stars in "Deep Throat." Chris Noth, Bobby Canavale, Hank Azaria, and Adam Brody play they producers, director, and co-star of "Deep Throat" respectively, and Chuck is not happy with Linda getting all of the attention and not listening to every single word he says.
Bad wig aside, this is Seyfried's best performance. I wouldn't count her as a very strong actress, she's best in musicals because she has a wonderful voice. You can tell she worked really hard to play Linda. She nails the accent and vulnerability required to play such a character. Peter Sarsgaard is the stand out, he plays an absolute creep. You really fear for Linda when you see a certain look on Chuck's face. The rest of the supporting cast is also outstanding, with plenty of famous faces popping up for cameos.
A film like these could easily come off as exploitative, and while there's plenty of nudity galore, I felt like the camera knew exactly when to cut away to avoid overkill, and I appreciated that. Especially during a scene where Chuck forces Linda into prostitution in a hotel room. The scenes of Linda's parents watching their daughter talk about her career are heartbreaking and feel very authentic. The music was cheesy and campy and fit the film perfectly. Though when the film ended, I didn't feel like it wrapped everything up as nicely as it could. Still, with performances like these, this movie demands to be seen.
Recommended: Yes
Grade: B+
Memorable Quote: "Did I do something wrong?" - Linda (Amada Seyfried)


  1. I'm reading mixed reviews of this one, but it does have a great cast. I like the way you described the quality of the acting. Terrific review!

    1. The cast is awesome. I can understand the mixed reviews because the ending was really weak, but it's worth it for the cast.

  2. I'd think that even 17 hrs in the porn industry would change someone's life. This film isn't exactly something I'd seek out, but still interesting to read ppl's thoughts on it. Great review Brittani!

    1. Thank you! I hadn't read much about Linda Lovelace prior to this, but now I'm tempted to look more into it.

  3. yeah, i heard this had some loose ends, but, like you said, seyfried is terrific (something that I'd have to certainly see, because i never thought her as much--except in les mis last year).

    1. I know. I've never thought she was that strong of an actress, but she did great in Les Mis and Mamma Mia when she was singing. Here she's good all around. I'm happy for her.

  4. I agree, Seyfried was terrific! I thought the movie was entertaining but they could have dug a bit deeper into the story.

    1. Definitely. I read a bit more on Linda Lovelace, and it really changed my opinion on her after watching this.

  5. You liked this one a bit more than me, but it is hard to argue against Seyfried here. She was indeed excellent. I thought the film's narrative was a pointless jumble and the ending was too quick. I guess I just felt that they could've hit us a little harder, you know?

    1. The ending was definitely this film's downfall. It was rushed.

  6. The reaction to this film is all over the place. I suppose I should see it.

    1. I think it's worth it. Definitely for Seyfried's performance.


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