2014 Blind Spot Series: North by Northwest

What I knew going in: Pretty much the entire movie, I just never sat down to watch it.

Roger Thornhill (Cary Grant) is an advertising executive that ends up being mistaken for a possible spy named George Chaplin. Suddenly, people are trying to kill him, he gets accused of murder himself and has to go on the run to escape police and figure this all out.

I like Cary Grant, and I hope I get to check out more of his movies. He had a lot of charisma. The film created an interesting story that continued to escalate, but at the same time felt kind of predictable. The film is also distractingly dated. Any scene involving a crowd of people (or just more people than the main characters) didn't feel organic and looked way too staged. Then there's those car scenes, but that's really nitpicking. I had a similar reaction to Citizen Kane. I felt like I was watching an important movie, but it really just wasn't my cup of tea. I'll stick with Hitch's horror movies.

Grade: C+

Memorable Quote: "Roger..pay the two dollars." - Clara (Jessie Royce Landis)


  1. I love how you always are honest with these reviews of classic films. I personally love this movie, but I see where you're coming from, and you're modern look at a beloved classic is pretty cool. I hope you dig into Grant's other work. His comedic work in the 30's is great. Bringing Up Baby, The Awful Truth, Gunga Din (not a comedy, but he's hilarious)...great performances.

    1. That's funny you mention Bringing Up Baby, because I have that on my preliminary 2015 Blind Spot list.

  2. I enjoyed this movie, but much prefer Psycho, Rear Window, and Vertigo. I can see where you're coming from as far as certain things being dated. In Hit h's defense though, nearly every scene from inside a moving vehicle looks like that, or worse, at least into the late 60s and many still looked that way through the 70s. Good review. Love your honesty.

    1. Yeah, it's definitely nitpicky about the car thing, but since an important part of this movie includes a semi car chase, I had to include it.

  3. That ending was such a cop out eye roller.

  4. Hmm yes, Cary Grant certainly has charisma! And this was a rather unusual role for him - at least in the beginning, for he's not exactly a charming man in it - which is also why I like it.

    'North by Northwest' is different from other Hitchcock movies yeah, but I've always appreciated his sense of humour, so I found this one quite funny and entertaining! Also really sexy and a bit sassy (especially the ending, with the train going in the tunnel? I was positively shocked!). Though that's also related to my Grant + Hitch obsession, yeah :P

    Anyway, I can see how you think it's dated, because it probably is, yes. I don't see it that way, but then again, I've seen and loved many classic movies so I just get in that old hollywood mindset whenever I watch one!

    1. And that's my problem. I've never loved old Hollywood movies. Yes, there's a few I adore, and I'm making a point to seek more out, but I rarely love them as much as others.

  5. I'm going to see this next month as it's one of many films of Hitchcock that I haven't seen as I'll watch that one along w/ Strangers on a Train and maybe a few more. So far, Psycho is my favorite w/ Vertigo and The Birds.

    1. Yes, those ones are good. Psycho is my favorite, and Vertigo was the 2nd Blind Spot I did this year and I enjoyed that one too.

  6. I agree with the first commenter -- I love the fact that you are honest about your reactions to classic films. That makes me respect your opinions and recommendations even more. :-)

  7. I like to watch classic movies. I saw this movie once and I remember enjoying it... but I don't remember many details about it so maybe it wasn't that great!

    1. Yeah, at this point I'm not sure how well this one will stick with me either.

  8. I watch this a year or so ago and I didn't like it too. I can't recall much of the movie now but I remember thinking the movie seem to be trying too hard be glamourous.
    Wandering through the Shelves

    1. I could see that. To me, it didn't try hard enough to be different.

  9. Yes it is dated but dont look at it in modern context. Look at it as if it were made in that time period in the 60's Compare to the technology today it is going to feel cheap but the stories and characters are still miles above most other flicks. Excited to see more from this series

    1. But that's the thing, the stories and characters felt so basic. Like I had seen this already 100's of times. I try not to look at the special effects in modern context, but the story I can't help.

  10. Glad you finally watched this. I love everything about it, but I can see how it might be too dated in certain areas.

    1. I think that's the hardest part for me when watching classic films. Some things are just a little to distracting.


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