Animated Sequels That Ruined Your Childhood With Singing (among other things)

Tim over at The Film Experience was talking about All Dogs go to Heaven recently, which I've always loved. It also reminded me of the awful sequel. My dad was always quick to watch animated sequels with me, especially if they were following films we enjoyed watching together. Of course animated musicals have always been a big thing. There's a few films we loved that were not musicals to begin with, but their sequels ended up that way. And they were fucking awful. 

All Dogs go to Heaven 2 (Because fuck your childhood memories)

Apparently we didn't see any trailers for this movie, because we were shocked that it was a musical (and a really cheesy one at that) My dad kept leaving me in the theater for smoke breaks to suffer by myself. And they don't even mention Anne Marie in it. She was Itchy's owner, FFS!

The Secret of NIMH 2: Timmy to the Rescue (Also a lesson in re-writing NIMH's history)

I actually got this as a Christmas present, and my whole family sat down to watch it together on Christmas Eve because the original was a favorite in our house. It was so laughably bad. It also threw out pretty much any continuity from the original film. (Remember that scary Rat Brudus? The one that chases Mrs. Brisby around the rose bush? Yeah he's a goofy dumbass in this one.)

Land Before Time 2-20 (There has to be at least 20 of these now. They're like the film version of the Duggars)

Admittedly, I probably made it through 5 of these Land Before Time sequels before I realized I was just kidding myself and that they were horrible. My husband and I recently bought the original film on DVD for our son, and they had had some of the sequel songs as a sing-a-long for a special feature. We tried watching one and had to turn it off immediately because the opening lyrics were: "As an egg you were a beauty, but now you're a real cutie." I'm embarrassed just telling you about this.

Honorable Mention: Fern Gully 2: The Magical Rescue (I'm assuming this will also be the plot of Avatar 2)

The first Fern Gully already had singing, but there is one detail in this film that drove me nuts despite being all of eleven when this film came out. Batty. Remember Batty? At the end of the first film, he's small enough that Zak can hold him in his hand. Well, in this movie, he's big enough to fly away holding a kid. A human child, not a fairy one. Did he take some bat steroids in between movies?


  1. This is amazing, and so true! I avoided most of these, especially the direct to video ones. But animated sequels that came out pre-90's usually suck.

    1. Thanks! I'm offended all over again thinking of these movies. lol

  2. When I read your post title The Land Before Time was the first thing that came to mind. I'm still annoyed by that! It was one of my favorites.

    1. Oh I know. What were they thinking? (with all of these, really)

  3. The only film I list that I saw was All Dogs Go to Heaven 2... FUCKING CRAP!!!! I didn't like it at all. I liked the first one and The Secret of Nihm but the sequels were unnecessary. I never liked Ferngully, I thought it was absolute hippie crap.

    1. Hippie crap. LOL I was too young when that came out to know what a hippie was. But yeah, the NIMH sequel was definitely unnecessary. I'm not sure how they got the rights to it.

  4. Lol, hilarious post. I've avoided all of these, thank goodness.

  5. Haha, I think I stopped in The Land Before Time series after the third or fourth one. I think I liked All Dogs Go to Heaven 2, but it's been almost two decades since I watched those. :)

    1. I should've stopped long before I did with Land Before Time. I'm not sure why I didn't.


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