Back to School Blogathon

Wendell over at Dell on Movies has another great idea for a blogathon. He asks us to create a class based on characters from different movies. Here are the rules.

1. Choose at least 1 character to fit into each of the following roles:

Administrator (either a dean, principal, head master, or some other equivalent)
Star Student/Nerd
Jock/Class Bully
Popular Girl/Diva
Invisible Girl (aka not popular girl)
Class Clown
Troubled Youth

Of course, include a few words on why each character was chosen.

Some of the categories have slashes because there is a lot of overlap within. However, feel free to break those up to make your class even larger. For instance if you use a jock who is a nice guy, you can also include a bully. As long as you have the minimum number of students and others, your class can be as large as you like.

2. There are NO RESTRICTIONS on age. Theoretically, you can have Zach from Kindegarten Cop in the same class as Rodney Dangerfield's character to School

3. You can use multiple characters from a single movie, but a class must be made up of characters from at least three separate movies.

4. Use movies in which school is an important part of the plot or are largely set in a school.

5. Finally, use my banner somewhere in your entry and link back to this post

Admittedly, not all of the people I chose are from films that were mostly centered in school, but how these people behaved in school largely played a part in each film.

Head Master - Albus Dumbledore from The Harry Potter films - Because who wouldn't want Dumbledore to run your school?

Teacher - Ms. Rain from Precious - Because she had a big heart and a big love for her students, no matter how troubled they were.

Star Student/Nerd - Audrey from Dreamland - Audrey had so much potential judging from all the university acceptance letters she got. But she was too afraid of leaving her family behind to pursue it.

Jock/Class Bully - Stifler from American Pie - He was a bit much in the later films, but he was an amusing stereotype in the first two films.

Popular Girl/Diva - Regina George from Mean Girls - How can I not pick the Queen Bee?

Invisible Girl (aka not popular girl) Jane Burnham from American Beauty - Jane spent most of the movie trying to be invisible until she met Ricky.

Class Clown - Patrick - Perks of Being A Wall Flower - I loved him making all the freshman laugh in shop class, and he became a good friend to Charlie.

Troubled Youth - Dean from The Chumscrubber - He is going through a lot, and to say he's having a fucked up week is a gigantic understatement.

Thanks for hosting, Wendell!


  1. I've only see 3 of the 8 movies you referenced. Good work choosing Stifler with so many other candidates I never even considered him. Regina from Mean Girls was right on, I couldn't have chose a better diva queen for a class. Same goes for Jane from American Beauty. Great contribution to Dell on Movies' blogathon.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Regina George seems to be a popular one, as is Dumbledore. This looks like a pretty good selection but the only ones I've seen are Harry Potter and The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

    1. Yeah, I tried really hard to think of someone other than Patrick for that role, because I've seen others pick him, but he just fit for me.

  4. Dreamland and The Chumbscrubber are the only ones I haven't seen and I've been trying to get a chance to watch them for a while. Good picks with Jane and Patrick.
    Wandering through the Shelves

    1. Thanks! Dreamland is one of my all time favorite movies and Chumscrubber is great too. I hope you enjoy them.

  5. You know.. I still haven't seen Mean Girls??? I just never had an interest in it but everyone still talks about it to this day so I should probably check it out.

    1. Mean Girls is my favorite chick flick. I never thought I'd like it either, but I love it so much.

  6. Forgive me if two very similar comments show up from me, but doing this on my phone and the first seems to have disappeared.

    Love the class, especially your choices for teacher and invisible girl. Great job. Thanks for playing along.

    1. Thank you! This was a fun one, I'm glad you hosted it.

  7. Oh, such an awesome post! I love your inclusion of Patrick and well, Dumbledore too, of course. This post actually makes school fun lol.

  8. Great class! I've always liked Patrick - he's the highlight of Perks for me.

    1. Patrick is great and Ezra Miller is such a fantastic actor.

  9. Love your choices! That character in Precious was so wonderful, I loved how sweet and kind she was especially comparing to most people in this film :)

    1. I love Ms. Rain too. I cried like a baby when she told Precious she loved her in the movie.

  10. Great picks! Jane Burnham, Patrick, and Mrs. Rain are inspired choices.

  11. Stifler is very funny early on. Did anyone watch the fourth one? Which one did you struggle most to think of, or choose between? I had a long, long think for class bully. Brilliant choice for Invisible Girl.

    1. Class Clown was the hardest for me. I immediately thought of Patrick, but other people that participated also chose him before I did, do I wanted to find someone different, but I kept coming back to him.

    2. The Weasley were the ones I thought of, but it didn't come straight away. The thing i like about Patrick is how warm he is. He really is thinking of others.

    3. He is! That's one of the great things about Patrick.

  12. Nicely done. I haven't seen Dreamland or The Chumscrubber, but I'm all in favor of this class.

    1. Those are excellent films. Dreamland is easily in my top 10. You should check them out!


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