Review: Chef

Food Porn: The Movie

Chef Carl Casper (John Favreau, and a body double for the cutting food scenes that is obviously heavier than him) is unhappy with his position as head chef in a restaurant run by an asshole named Riva. (Dustin Hoffman) Riva doesn't encourage his creativity in the kitchen, even though his staff like Martin (John Leguizamo) and Tony (Bobby Canavale) do. One day, a prestigious food critic (Oliver Platt) rips Casper for conforming and not cooking the way he used to. What begins as Casper calling him out on Twitter escalates to something more, and soon Casper is without a job, but turns that around by starting a food truck to cook the food he really wants to serve.

This movie is ideal for "dinner and a movie" only you should see this first THEN go eat somewhere because you will be starving afterwards. This movie is food porn central. The cast is great, even though I was yearning for a bit more Canavale and Robert Downey Jr. Favreau did a wonderful job in the lead role. 

The soundtrack is awesome and even if the movie got a little repetitive towards the end, it was always a good time. Now I just need to try one of these Cuban sandwiches they were making...

Recommended: Yes

Grade: B

Memorable Quote: "He got a fucking taco truck?!" - Tony (Bobby Canavale)


  1. I was really pleasantly surprised by this one - I went in expecting something middle of the road and actually had a great time! It's always low-key little films like this that come out of nowhere to be a lotta fun.

    One complaint: not enough ScarJo. She should've been it, and everything, more ;)

    1. I had the same expectations. I'm surprised Scarlett and Canavale didn't turn up at the end of the film again. You'd think they would've.

  2. This is one I really wanted to catch in the theater but wound up unable. Looking forward to catching it on DVD soon! Great write up.

    1. I'm kind of surprised it randomly came back to theaters here. My art house had it for awhile months ago, then our chain theater just got it. I was glad for that.

  3. I loved this film. I watched it on a flight to god knows where and I've been meaning to review it ever since (time is forever getting away from me!)

    I honestly never through Favreau would make a good lead but there he goes and proves me wrong and I love John Leguizamo in pretty much anything.

    Great review as always Brittani


    1. Leguizama was especially good in this. He's kind of hit and miss for me, but I loved him here. Thank you!

  4. 'I honestly never thought...' Doh!!

  5. This sounds like a really fun movie, I'm definitely gonna see it on DVD while i can eat when watching it :)

  6. I actually loved this movie. Sure, it was breezy and there was hardly any conflict, but sometimes a solid feel-good movie is exactly what one needs.

    And you're right, it's a good idea to eat before this one.

    - Zach

    1. I definitely agree with the feel-good movie part. Those are nice to have.

  7. This was such a fun little watch and the food killed me!

    1. I know! The popcorn I was eating started tasting less and less good as time went on.

  8. I'm getting hungry only by reading your review. Really want to see this!

  9. It was fun food movie, for sure. Everything looked delicious!

    1. I shouldn't have eaten popcorn during it. It felt so inadequate.


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