Review: This is Where I Leave You

Dysfunctional family meets again at funeral.

This has been done time and time again. The only thing that makes films like this worth it is their casts, and luckily this particular film succeeds on that front.

After their father passes away, a mother (Jane Fonda) tells her four adult children that his dying wish was for them to remain under the same roof together for seven days. They've been slightly preoccupied with their own lives, and this is the first time they've been together in awhile. They consist of Judd (Jason Bateman) whose just walked in on his wife having sex with his boss. Wendy (Tina Fey) in an unhappy marriage who becomes full of regrets when she's faced with an old flame. Paul, (Corey Toll) whose struggling to conceive with his wife, Annie. (Kathryn Hahn) And Phillip (Adam Driver) the much younger family fuck up.

The film is incredibly predictable. There are very few things that happen that you couldn't guess within the first 10 minutes. The difference here is that the cast has so much chemistry, it can kind of be forgiven. There are some very heavy moments, but also some light hearted and down right funny ones. The R rating definitely helps this film.

This is Where I Leave You won't win any awards, or show up on any best lists, but it's still a decent watch, if only for a rental. Plus, Jason Bateman is really becoming a hell of an actor, and he gives the stand out performance here. Driver and Fey also had a really tender moment that was probably my favorite in the film. 

Recommended: Yes

Grade: C+

Memorable Quote: "No, but I'm an expert on you." - Phillip (Adam Driver)


  1. Replies
    1. You're good at predicting the outcome of movies, I've noticed. lol

  2. It's too bad this is so predictable. With this premise and cast, it had a lot of potential.

    1. Yeah, but it doesn't hurt the film too much. There are a few surprises.

  3. Oh wow a C+!! This actually looked like a great feel good movie to me. I will for sure what for HBO then.

    1. I guess it's just not my kind of movie, but I really love the cast!

  4. I was expecting it to be great (I loved the novel), but I'm still seeing this for the cast (that's one great cast!). I'm just not going to keep my hopes up. Great review!

  5. Disappointed, but I figured this would's such a common movie theme these days--you're right :(

    1. At least the actors are good. Bateman, Fey, Hahn, I even liked Driver, and I want to hate him because of Girls. lol

  6. Bateman is quietly (though steadily) becoming as bankable as anyone. For me, this one screams Redbox!

    1. It's definitely a rental, but you're right. He's getting better and better.

  7. Yeah, I was a little letdown, but the cast is good. Definitely worth a rental.

    1. I think I went to it on $1 movie day, so I'm glad I didn't waste full price admission on this.


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