Dream Vacation Blogathon

Katy over at Girl Meets Cinema has a wonderful idea for a blogathon. She asks us to pick places in films that we'd like to visit, and to pick characters to tag along on our journey. I've been thinking on this for awhile, and I couldn't just decide on one place or one person. So my dream vacation will be about jet setting all over. 

Who I'm bringing:

I decided to make this a group thing.

Luis from Ant-Man - because you know he'd tell a good story. Plus he likes art and wine so that makes him perfect in my book.

Ariande from Inception - because she's clever and down for adventures. (And the least crazy of most of Ellen Page's roles) 

Adam and Kyle from 50/50 - because 1) I'm a shameless JGL lover and 2) Kyle is fun.

Kim from Trainwreck - Amy might be the party animal, but Kim is level headed and funny. She can leave her weirdo husband at home and join us. 

I'm bunking with Adam if you're wondering. 

First stop

Paris - and not just regular Paris, time travel Midnight in Paris. We'd hit all the touristy spots, then go back in time and dance during the 20's. 

Second Stop

We head over to England to visit Harry Potter's world. We start with a drink at The Leaky Cauldron. Then hop on the Hogwarts Express on platform 9 3/4. We hang out at Hogwarts, then go down to Hogsmeade and have another drink at The Three Broomsticks. (We're here to get drunk and see weird shit, basically)

Third Stop

We decide we absolutely need to be In Bruges. We may or may not buy some weed from Jimmy. But mostly, we're taking in all the beautiful scenery. 

Fourth Stop

Tracks made us want to go on an Australian walk about. But we're going to nix the camels and isolation and stay near Gold Coast instead. This is a very calming stop, where we do a lot of reflecting. 

Fifth Stop 

Now we head up to Tokyo. We decide that we need to get a bit of partying out of our system so we look for the seedy neon light flooded parts of Tokyo from Enter The Void. Only we don't shoot anybody.

Sixth Stop

Back in the U.S.A, we take a page out of Forgetting Sarah Marshall and stop in Hawaii at the Turtle Bay Resort for a little R&R. 

Want to come with us? 


  1. I am definitely down for this trip! I can't decide which I'm most excited about -- 1920s Paris, escaping the Muggle world, or the scenery in Bruges -- not to mention seeing those Hieronymous Bosch paintings.

    Speaking of buying weed from Jimmy, how weird would it be looking at Hieronymous Bosch's work stoned??

    1. LOL it would be weird. I realized when I was writing this it probably looks like I want to go across the globe and get shitfaced, but that's not entirely true!

  2. Thank you for participating in my challenge! I'll be adding a link to your entry in the master list. This is a wild and awesome trip - love the plans of splitting time a little bit everywhere. Your choice of pals would make it all the more fun. :)

    1. Thank you for hosting! This was fun and kind of hard to narrow down lol.

  3. I love your choices. I would definitely go on this vacation. I would be all of over Midnight in Paris. You know that one scene in Tokyo almost looks like that one scene from 'Birdman.'

    1. It does! I've seen a lot of parallels to those scenes on Tumblr.

  4. Now that is a vacation I would go to and with those peeps.

  5. Inception! 50/50!! Midnight in Paris!!! Three of my absolute favorites!

    I'm sold

    1. I knew I wanted some Ellen Page character in there, but she plays teenagers too often. lol At least Ariadne wasn't.

    2. She is just the cutest thing. I would be too nervous around her... for the cuteness.

  6. Can I just meet you in Hawaii?
    I like your adventure a lot!

  7. Love this! I'd be there for that sixth stop for sure :D

    1. I still think it's hilarious we both ended up using that gif in the same week.

  8. OMG!!! I want to go to there (and there...and there...)!


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