Review: Trainwreck

"Monogamy is not realistic."

Amy (Amy Schumer) is completely content on only having one night stands. Sure, she's sort of seeing Steven (John Cena. No seriously, John Cena) on the side, but that crashes and burns. Amy writes for a magazine and her editor, Dianna (Tilda Swinton) tells her to write a story on a sports doctor, Aaron (Bill Hader) who is saving athletes' careers one surgery at a time. The two meet and eventually start dating. 

Amy Schumer is hilarious. She's vulgar in the best way possible, and a director like Judd Apatow is a perfect fit for her. The cast is wonderful. John Cena, a guy I cannot stand in the ring is actually pretty damn funny here. (And since Schumer dated fellow wrestler Dolph Ziggler in real life I can't help but wonder if this was a bit of a dig towards him) Lebron James is another popular athlete that gets a lot of face time here. The always wonderful Brie Larson plays Amy's sister. Ezra Miller plays an intern who takes part in one of the weirdest sex scenes I've ever seen. Tilda Swinton is nearly unrecognizable and so perfectly bitchy. I could go on and on about them.

While Apatow is a good fit for Schumer's humor, unfortunately the final 3rd of the film falls victim to his style. It drags and becomes very cliche. It's frustrating because it's a tick he hasn't seem to shed yet and the film was so strong up until that point. (though thankfully he left his kids out of this one) Still, it's not enough to completely derail the movie and this is easily one of the best comedies released all year. 

Recommended: Yes

Grade: B

Memorable quote: "Your dick is huge! It does not end. It's like the entire cast of Game of Thrones. Have you had sex before? Where is she buried?" - Amy (Amy Schumer)


  1. Great review! I'm so excited for this. Even though you said the final third is weak, would you say that it's Apatow's best so far?

    1. I still think The 40 Year Old Virigin is Apatow's best. This is definitely his 2nd best feature though.

  2. I actually am looking forward for this because I think Schumer isn't afraid to say things that might shock and yet, could be completely true but some of us are afraid to express it. And I think, after seeing the trailer for so many times, I'd have fun watching it. Even though my initial thought was - oh no, this looks horrific. Now, I'm not so sure.

    1. You're absolutely right about her. She says things that I think most people wouldn't expect women to say. She's very straightforward.

  3. I'm thinking about seeing this but I really thing Apatow needs an editor as his comedy tends to be overlong at times. Plus, I'm really fucking sick of John Cena.

    1. Yes he does. That's his biggest weakness. I hate John Cena, but he was actually hilarious here. I was surprised.

  4. good to hear this is good! i don't mind apatow actually, mostly for knocked up

    1. I didn't like Knocked Up as much as everyone else did. That was disappointing.

  5. I've gotta say I'm not very familiar with this chick, but I'm there for Bill Hader :)

    1. I think she's hilarious. She puts some people off because she's very up front, but I've always thought she was amusing.

  6. I'm not sure if I'll see this in theaters, but it's definitely on my watchlist. :)

  7. Great review! You're right...the third act did fall short and dragged forever, but I'm glad I saw it. Gotta love Bill Hader <3

    1. Same. I'm glad I saw it too, and Hader is great.


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