Thursday Movie Picks: Psychological Thrillers


This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is psychological thrillers. This is such a broad theme. I decided to stick with films that sort of blend into the horror side of things. 

1) Donnie Darko -
This is one of those cult movies I really enjoyed but don't talk about very much. Donnie is an interesting character and this movie is beyond weird.

2) 10 Cloverfield Lane -
I feel like I'm one of the few people out there that have actually enjoyed all the Cloverfield movies but this one was a huge surprise. I never thought it would be as good as it was. 

3) The Perfection -
This little gem on Netflix is batshit crazy and I'm glad I listened to so many fellow bloggers and checked it out.


  1. Donnie Dario is like some acid trip. Very, very strange. I still need to see 10 Cloverfield and have not even heard of the last one.

    1. It really is. The Perfection is very gross to watch but so good. As is 10 Cloverfield, minus the gore.

  2. I took my time to get around to watching Donnie Darko because it just seemed so strange but my liking for Jake Gyllenhaal finally overcame my reservations. It was just as bizarre as I expected and I can't say I liked it or would ever watch it again but it held my interest during that one view.

    I haven't seen either of the other two though I have heard of 10 Cloverfield Lane but you know I'm not much for horror. Maybe someday.

    I don't have Netflix so the other is inaccessible to me at the moment.

    The theme is broad so I chose to go with some on that were more on the crazytown side of things, though my second is on the National Film Registry.

    The Baby (1973)-Recently widowed social worker Ann Gentry (Anjanette Comer) is given the case of the Wadsworth family: raspy-voiced Mrs. Wadsworth (Ruth Roman in a wonderfully complex performance), her two very strange adult daughters Alba and Germaine (Suzanne Zenor & Mariana Hill), and her 21-year-old son Baby (David Mooney) whom they have kept infantilized to the point that he still lives in a crib and diapers. Discovering that Baby’s condition isn’t physiological but rather a result of abuse and neglect Ann tries to intercede, but Mrs. Wadsworth is having none of it. Thus begins a battle that escalates to extremes as Mrs. Wadsworth fights to keep control and Ann insists that she’s only interested in Baby’s best interests…. but is she?

    Shock Corridor (1963)-In pursuit of a Pulitzer Prize ambitious reporter Johnny Barrett (Peter Breck) feigns madness and has himself committed to an insane asylum to investigate and solve a recent murder sure it will win him the award. But once inside the rigors and horrors of confinement lead him to slowly lose his grip on reality. Lurid by necessity but director Sam Fuller keeps a firm hand preventing the film from slipping into exploitation.

    Shutter Island (2010)-In the 50’s two Federal Marshals, Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Chuck Aule (Mark Ruffalo), enter the peculiar dream like world of Ashecliffe Hospital, an insane asylum located on the remote, windswept Shutter Island, to investigate an apparent escape from the seemingly impenetrable skerry. As a hurricane engulfs the madhouse the men and in particular Teddy begin to question all they know as both their safety and sanity are imperiled. Top-flight Scorsese.

    1. I feel safe in saying that I think you'd absolutely hate The Perfection lol.

      I love Shutter Island! It's the only one I've seen of yours this week, but it's one of my favorite Scorcese movies. I hadn't read the book before watching so the ending surprised me too. I watched it on an airplane once and they bleeped out all the F words, but left all the bloody cut up children in it. That was a choice..

  3. Oh man! I really want to see these movies, especially Donnie Darko and the Perfection! Well, they are on streaming right now so...

    Check out my Thursday Movie Picks!

    Ronyell @ The Surreal Movies and TV Blog

    1. I'm surprised you haven't seen Donnie Darko that seems like it would be right up your alley.

  4. Yaaaaas to all 3 of these! Donnie Darko ismy favourite movie ever, I'm also in the very small Cloverfield fan club and I too have the bloggers to thank for convincing me to see The Perfection <3

    1. Yay! I'm glad to share space in the Cloverfield fan club. I'm so thankful for our community when I find gems like these.

  5. I haven't seen any of these but The Perfection got me intrigued! It's on Netflix? Well at least it's not gonna be hard to find.

  6. I've only seen Donnie Darko as I still have my original DVD copy. I probably will see the director's cut one of these days but not anytime soon. Still aghast at the horror that is... Southland Tales and to think... Trent Reznor was going to be involved in the soundtrack but ended up making With Teeth thank God.

    1. I still have my original DVD of it too. I never bothered with Southland Tales. I remember when it kept getting delayed, and I'd talk about it with people on the IMDb forums because it sounded interesting on paper, then when I saw the trailer...nope. lol

  7. Great picks! The Perfection was such a pleasant surprise.

    1. It was. I'm not sure I would've watched it without the hype behind it.

  8. It's been years since I watched Donnie Darko. Thanks for reminding me about it!

  9. Oh, I love your picks! I have to admit that The Perfectino was too much for me, but I totally get why you picked it.

    1. I mean, it was kind of too much for me too at parts but I really enjoyed it.

  10. I love Donnie Darko! That movie gave me such a crush on Jake Gyllenhaal.


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