2022 Blind Spot Series: The Before Trilogy

What I knew going in: The premise of the trilogy, and that it is very loved on Film Twitter

Before Sunrise - This was so impossibly sweet without being corny. A lesser movie would've had them run off together at the end but I loved how logical it was with this one night together premise. From the outside looking in, Celine is definitely the more interesting of the two, but I can see why she was charmed with Jesse. I wonder what it must have felt like for fans of this movie to have a sequel announced all those years later? I imagine it was so exciting.  A-

Before Sunset - I LOVED this. Maybe it's because I'm also in my early 30's, so this is the chapter I probably should relate to the most, but this film to me is perfect. I could listen to Celine and Jesse just walk and talk for hours. I loved how brisk this movie was. It never had time to drag because the conversation was so rich it kept everything moving along nicely. I loved the ending. It was perfect and I've had the Waltz song stuck in my head every since.  A+

Before Midnight - We learn that Jesse miss that flight and now he and Celine are parents to a set of twin girls. We meet them as they are on vacation in Greece, Jesse has just dropped his son Henry off at the airport to head back to his mother. He worries about not being there for him, and this triggers a debate about their lives going forward. This was easily the weakest of the bunch for me. I think part of it is because it loses its whimsy. We've never seen Jesse and Celine really fight before, even though their arguments are completely realistic and something that would absolutely happen. This film also features them interacting with more character than just each other, and I was very aware that the scenes of them one on one were far superior to them in a group setting. I still think it was a good film, and a nice way to end the trilogy, but it didn't capture the magic of the first two. B

I'm glad I finally took the plunge with these, I love how in true trilogy format the second one ends up being my favorite. I thought I might like these but I couldn't believe how much I fell in love with Before Sunset. 


  1. For me, this is one of the best film trilogies ever. I loved the fact that a film was made every 9 years as if there was a sequel coming. It would be out this year. I'm glad they didn't do a fourth film and no need to. Though I would rather take that whatever Richard Linklater is doing right now with... ugh... Ben Platt.

    1. I'm glad they didn't either. There was nothing left to be said, Midnight was already kind of a tough pill to swallow since reality set in. lol

  2. Such a strong trilogy all around! The first is my favorite but the other two were fantastic as well.

    1. The first comes in second for me obviously, I can't stop thinking about Before Sunset.

  3. I took my time commenting on this since you liked these so much and I hate to strike a discordant note (except during Dell's Against the Crowd blogathon!) but I HATED the first film so much that it killed any desire to see the rest.

    Part of the problem is Linklater's direction, which from what I've seen of it his work is very variable. I really liked his Me and Orson Welles and School of Rock but everything else has been between indifferent to flat out wretched (I'm looking at you Boyhood!) This pile isn't helped by featuring two performers that I don't care much for. Let me correct that Julie Delphy was fine in Kieślowski's Red, White and Blue trilogy but hasn't impressed me anywhere else. But I'm am at a complete loss as to Ethan Hawke's appeal. I look at him and think "Don't you ever wash dirtbag?" How is that in any way alluring?

    I was bored to sobs during that first film and will never watch the others unless I'm strapped to a chair!

    1. Oh don't you ever worry about bringing the mood down! lol. That will never happen, I love all comments. Honestly, I'm not a huge Linklater fan either. Before Sunset is now my favorite movie of his, but like you I loathed Boyhood and the only ones of his I liked prior to this are School of Rock and Bernie. But These were just so lovely.

  4. I still haven't seen these films. I heard they were good plus the first one takes place in Vienna and I love that city. One day I will see these.

    1. Vienna looks lovely, I've been to Austria but not that city specifically. You should watch these!

  5. Before Sunset have always been my favourite even when I was younger. I think it is the best written with the characters having more vulnerability being older with past regrets, they talk quite openly but are also cautiously guarding their hearts, while in the first one they were these bright young things with less at stake and in the third they are together and know each other better.


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