Review: American Hustle

You're nothing to me until you're everything.
"Some of this actually happened." Those are the words that greet us on screen when this film starts. The film follows Irving Rosenfeld, (Christian Bale) a con man who has been running business smoothly with his mysterious lover Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams) until they accept a bribe from an undercover FBI agent named Richie DiMaso.(Bradley Cooper) He is very energetic and has high hopes for these two. He wants to use them to con some politicians, their first target is Mayor Carmine Polito, (Jeremy Renner) a really good guy that's caught in a bad place. DiMaso is not that stable, that we get just from his interactions with his boss (Louis C.K) He starts falling for Sydney, only she's "Edith" a British Lady with connections in London. Then there's Irvings spaztastic wife, Rosalyn. (Jennifer Lawrence) Calling her a "loose canon" is the biggest understatement of the year.
God, this cast. I loved this cast. They were fantastic across the board, the biggest stand out for me was Amy Adams. Her character is utterly fascinating. We never really know who we're seeing. She's Sydney to Irving, she's Edith to everyone else. She's unpredictable and we never quite know what's going on in her head. Adams fearlessly plays her. Christian Bale is hilarious, he's one of the best actors out there, but comedy is not something we see from him. Just the looks his gives his wife in this film are priceless. And Lawrence and Cooper are oh so crazy. I can see why director David O'Russell used them again. My other favorite performance has to be Louis C.K as Stoddard Thorson. He's so subtle and such a push over, if you've seen Louie or any of his stand up, you know that's the exact opposite of how he is in real life. So seeing Cooper bully him around was even funnier to me. The Boardwalk Empire fangirl in me went crazy over bit roles played by Jack Huston (complete with Harrow mustache, sans Harrow drawl) and Shea Wigham (in the worst wig ever)
When I first saw the trailers, I didn't view this as a comedy at all. After watching it, I think that's what it is through and through. They were right to categorize it as such. It's fast paced and interesting and the score fits perfectly. I think this might actually be my favorite O'Russell film to date.
Recommended: Yes
Grade: A+
Memorable Quote: "We fight, we fuck. That's what we do." - Rosalyn (Jennifer Lawrence)


  1. Great to hear you loved Amy Adams! Can't wait for this one. :)

  2. i wish i could have loved it, but it was a bit too all over the place for me. but i thought it was quite entertaining. the acting was pretty good, especially bradley cooper who i thought stole every scene. i thought amy didn't have the firmest grasp on either personality she portrayed but she did an admirable job. it's wildly entertaining and hilarious but i thought it could have had more substance.

    1. Cooper was definitely on his A game. I'm sorry Adams didn't do more for you! I loved her.

  3. Good review Brittani. This movie was such a blast to watch, especially since almost anyone and everyone involved was on their A-game. Especially Cooper and Lawrence, who somehow always brought the movie's energy up with whatever it was that they did.

    1. Definitely! Cooper's character really was kind of bat shit crazy.

  4. Awesome review, I really cannot wait to see this one. I saw the clip of Lawrence destroying science oven and Bale's saddened and confused reaction was hilarious.

    1. That's pretty much how their entire relationship is. She messes up, he stares in bewilderment. I loved it.

  5. Great review, Brittani. This *is* a great cast. I need to check this one out.

  6. I am so happy you loved it after the crappy reviews I've read lately! My excitement to see it is back. Mmm. Great review, Brittani!

    1. Yay! I'm glad. I didn't think it was crappy at all.

  7. I liked it, but I thought it was a little messy. Still, the cast is great. Cooper stole the show for me.

    1. It was definitely messy, I was just having too much fun to care. That happens to me occasionally.


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