Breaking Emotions Blogathon: Fear and Awkward

The lovely Mettel Ray has started another fun blogathon this year: Breaking Emotions. This week's emotions are "Fear" and "Awkward." She asks that we include 3 different examples of when we've experienced these emotions in films.


1) The Exorcist: The bed trashing scene

The Exorcist is the first movie that's ever deep down truly scared the shit of me. Plenty of movies freaked me out as a kid, but I've never experienced intense fear as I did the first time I saw this film. For me, that fear started way before little Regan cut up her face and started doing obscene things. It was the scene where the demon is trashing her on her bed. It's like something clicked with me and was like "Oh man. Shit is about to get real."

2) The Ring: Samara crawling out of the well.

It's rare that PG-13 horror films frighten me. But for some reason, Samara Morgan crawling out of that damn TV was about as scary as it gets. (Not to mention Ringu, the Japanese version this was based on was even scarier just for the fact that the TV was smaller and their Samara (Satako) looked pretty tall.

3) No Country For Old Men: Anton Chiruh

There's really not one scene that stands out from the rest, every single scene with Javier Bardem in this movie is frightening. You can just look at Anton's face and can tell all of the sinister things he's capable of. That is fear.


1) Anchorman: Dorothy Mantooth.

Most awkward comeback or best comeback ever? "I'm going to take your mother Dorothy Mantooth out for a nice seafood dinner and NEVER call her again!"

2) The Perks of Being A Wallflower: Stop crying

I know that Mettel Ray was looking for more along the lines of embarrassment or ridiculous scenes for 'Awkward' but I can't help but include this, it's the first one that came to mind. When Charlie is trying to stop himself from crying, haven't we all felt awkward in that way?

3) BASEketball: The Locker room scene.

Can you possibly get more awkward then trying to have a serious discussion in a locker room full of naked guys with extremely large....egos. Answer is no. Bonus points go to the fact that Squeak was sleeping in a drawer the whole time.


  1. The usage of Stop crying is interesting.. I'm assuming it's awkward for him rather than for the viewer.. but other than that, nice list! I'm excited to see what you'll do with next emotions!

    1. I found it awkward for me too, just because I have been there and I hate feeling like that. I can't wait for you to post the next ones!

  2. Oh, man good call on that The Ring thing. I was scared of my TV for weeks after that.

    1. God same here. I actually kind of scooted back in my theater seat when that happened.

  3. UGH, THE RING! Narrowing my list for fear is hard!

    This is GREAT!

    1. Thank you! It is. Exorcist came to mind right away, then I'm like "Okay, I can't just name horror movies, what else has scared me."

  4. I chose the same The Ring scene, it's so haunting!!!

  5. Yes yes yes with The Ring and The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
    Great choices!

  6. Nice pick for Perks of Being A Wallflower! For awkward I also think of the scene where they are playing truth or dare - yesh!! Nice list!

    1. Oh my God, Ezra Miller nailed that scene. "Oh fuck."

  7. Great pick with The Ring. I remember that vividly.

    1. The Ring seems to be the favorite of her blogathon. I've seen others choose it too.

  8. Love all your choices, especially for awkward. The BASEketball scene in particular made me laugh out loud, such an underrated comedy!

    1. YES! I love finding other people that adore BASEketball. That movie is so hilarious.

  9. Great picks! I don't care what anyone says... the first time I saw that scene from The Ring, I thought I was going to die. So fuckin' scary. I love that movie.

    1. Same here. I don't know what I thought was going to happen, but I wasn't expecting her to climb out of that damn TV.

  10. Love these. The Ring is SO creepy, but Chigurh is a more subtle, more terrifying example. Nicely done.

    1. I always think about that scene where Harrelson finds him just sitting in that room. That's just so freaky to me.


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