Thursday Movie Picks: Adaptations

This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves are films that are adapted from novels. I wanted to avoid series so here are a few stand alone books that were made into movies. 

1) Gone Girl

I think this is one of the best book to movie films ever made. Rosamund Pike is absolutely perfect as Amy Dunne. 

2) Every Secret Thing

I adore Laura Lippman's novels and currently this is the only one of her vast collection that's been adapted into a movie. I think it's good. It has great performances by Dakota Fanning and Danielle MacDonald. I recommend both the book and the film.

3) Never Let Me Go

I haven't read the novel this is based off of, I understand it's pretty different, but I really enjoyed this. At the time I hadn't seen anything like it. 


  1. I didn't love Gone Girl but agree that Rosamund Pike gives an excellent performance in the film.

    Again I wasn't too impressed with Never Let Him Go but thought Carey Mulligan did excellent work (funny the two played sisters in Pride & Prejudice and both should have bigger careers than they do)

    Haven't seen Every Secret Thing.

    Such a vast theme I narrowed by going with adaptations of my favorite author John Steinbeck's work. One famous and two lesser known.

    The Moon is Down (1943)-During WWII a Norwegian mining town falls under Nazi domination because of its strategic location. The commandant attempts to bring the townspeople to his mindset through gentle persuasion, instead the citizenry form a clandestine underground to combat the enemy.

    Of Mice and Men (1939)-Two migrant workers, the clever George (Burgess Meredith) and the strong but feeble minded Lenny (an exceptional Lon Chaney, Jr.) drift through Depression era California relying on each other’s friendship to get them by until a turn of events leads to tragedy.

    The Wayward Bus (1957)-In a remote California backwater a collection of downtrodden people-chief among them hard luck bubble dancer Camille (Jayne Mansfield), traveling salesman Ernest (Dan Dailey), bus driver Johnny Chicoy (Rick Jason) and his insecure alcoholic wife Alice (Joan Collins) embark what starts as a routine bus trip but ends up being a journey of discovery both good and bad.

    1. I haven't seen any of the films based of Steinbeck's work. I feel like I read Of Mice and Men in school but I can't remember anything about it.

  2. I loved Gone Girl, and how it stayed true to the book. Pike was amazing, and it was so easy to despise Ben Affleck.

  3. I can't believe I forgot to put Gone Girl on my list! That book and movie was such a wild ride.

  4. YES for Gone Girl! I miss angry, vengeful women leading movies

  5. A lot of people said that Gone Girl was a pretty good movie! I definitely need to check this movie out! Great pick!

    Here’s my Thursday Movie Picks!

    Ronyell @ The Surreal Movies and TV Blog

  6. I still haven't seen Every Little Secret but I heard varying opinions of it as I'm interested in it. Gone Girl and Never Let Me Go are both likely to be in my top 25 films of the 2010s whenever I decide to make that list in a few years.

    1. I know it didn't get the greatest reviews, but I thought it was pretty good.

  7. I still shamefully haven't read Gone Girl but oh my god being in the cinema for the movie and seeing that twist without knowing it would happen was one of the best movie experiences ever for me.

    1. The movie does the book so much justice. There's really not a ton they left out.

  8. I, on the other hand, have read Never Let Me Go but I haven’t seen the movie. I’ve been meaning to though as I’ve read it’s great.

  9. I tried reading Never Let Me Go. It is such a thin book, but I couldn't get into it and only managed to read a few chapters.

    1. Aw that's too bad. I'd like to read it myself one day to see how it compares to the film.


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