Review: 22 Jump Street

Just do the exact same thing you did last time.

22 Jump Street is about as subtle as an earthquake when it comes to comparing itself to 21 Jump Street. It pokes fun at itself several times, both with saying sequels fail, that they need to do the exact same thing, that their budget is bigger. Clearly, the filmmakers wanted us to really know that this sequel was made because fuck you, that's why. $$$$$$$$$$

Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) are back undercover again. They've moved across the street to 22 Jump street, and are now going to college to track down the dealer and supplier of a new drug. Just like last time.

I have to say, the end credits in this movie are genius. I'm a little torn on this film. The reason the original was so funny to me was because I had zero expectations and it turned out being hilarious. This one, while having some extremely hilarious parts (Ice Cube's reaction to a major plot point, and Channing Tatum laughing at it) but it did feel a little phoned in all around. It's not a bad movie, there are laughs, but it's not a theater movie to me. More of a DVD watch.

Recommended: Yes (like I said, not bad, just not theater worthy)

Grade: C+

Memorable Quote: "Fuck you, doves!" - Jenko (Channing Tatum)


  1. Love this review, I was smiling all the way through and then I got to the quote at the end and...I spat my apple everywhere. I totally forgot about that quote! Our review is coming soon once Jenna has seen it!
    - Allie

    1. Thank you :) I loved that quote. Channing Tatum really shines in this role.

  2. This movie was so ehh to me. But I LOVED the credits and I was the only one laughing at the fuck you doves part.

    1. What?! "fuck you, doves" was one of my favorite lines! What's wrong with those people?

  3. I'm actually looking forward to this,loved the first one and Hill always cracks me up :)

    1. I think Tatum might actually be funnier than Hill in this one, but he still has some great parts!

  4. hmmm your enthusiasm for this one is how i felt after watching the first one.

  5. Nice review. I've always thought comedies are more worthy when watched at home, while action movies on the other hand deserve the big screen treatment 9 times out fo 10.

    1. I like going to see comedies in theaters because I feel like I laugh a little harder in a crowd of people. I agree about action movies though, some of those CGI-fests need to be seen on the big screen.

  6. I laughed so hard during both of these movies. I liked this one a little more than you did, but I agree the first film is better.

    1. I did laugh pretty hard at the whole Ice Cube's daughter thing. That was my favorite part.


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