It's okay to hate watch TV shows.

Hate watching. Plenty do it. Personally, I hate watch True Blood and The Walking Dead like it's nobody's business. One of the most annoying questions in any fandom is "why do you still watch the show if you hate it?"

There's a variety of reasons why people hate watch:

1) Because they've already invested so much time into it, they need to see it through.

2) Because it used to be great (True Blood) and we hope they recapture that greatness.

3) It has potential to be so much better. (The Walking Dead)

4) Addiction.

5) Because fuck you, that's why.

I hate watch True Blood because the first few seasons were awesome, I care about some the characters, and I NEED to see how it ends.

I hate watch The Walking Dead because while it's never been a great show, it's mostly been entertaining until this last season, I care about some of the characters, and I need to see it resolve the mess that was season 4.

I hate watched Rescue Me during it's last few seasons because I invested SO much into that show.

What do you hate watch? and why?


  1. Number 5 is my favorite reason.

    1. Really, it's the best reason for any question, sometimes. lol

  2. Interesting. I liked The Walking Dead though I will confess the last season was a bit weaker than the previous ones if only just because I got impatient to see everyone meet up again. I'm hoping things will pick up again in the following season.

    I do remember you mentioned Rescue Me in the comments of one of my articles, where you pointed out that despite being a fan you were really bothered by the fact that they lost the one woman firefighter in the cast after season 2 and didn't get another until season 6, which is annoying.

    Wings and Newsradio were both actually funny when I first saw them, but it gradually turned into hate watching. In the case of Newsradio it was mainly in the final season when there were all these casting changes and sub-plots that I really didn't like and it became even more depressing when I found out why that happened. (the short version is that one of the key actors was murdered by his own wife before the season was made, so his character died off-screen and the guy who filled in his role only made me realize how essential he was to the show's humor). Wings I think got to hate watching after the first few seasons but I kept pursuing it anyway because I felt the need to finish what I started.

    1. I never saw those two shows, but I know what happened to Phil Hartman and subsequently NewsRadio. That's always tough on a show when they have to deal with an unexpected death.

      Yeah, Rescue Me had a weird thing going for them. Season 1-3 were great, season 4 sucked, season 5 was good, season 6 sucked, season 7 was a smidge better.

  3. lol i have to say, i have no patience to hate watch anything. once i hate a show, i abandon it completely. too many other great things to watch. And I don't want to spoil someone else's fun who happens to love the show.

    1. That's nice of you, I don't consider other people when I hate on something. LOL I do admire that you can drop something so quickly. I've tried, and I just can't. If I watch a show for longer than a season, I'm stuck with it.

  4. LOL! Fuck you, that's why! Love it!

    I don't watch I don't get around to hate watching anything, but I hate watch the second half of movies all the time for the simple reason that I hate starting...and not finishing something.

    1. I do the same thing, especially if I paid for the movie on VOD, then I have to continue watching, despite my hate for it. (The last three VOD I've ordered, Melancholia, AntiChrist and Only God Forgives - I hated all three.)

  5. I've watched so many shows that I hated until the very last episode and mostly my answer is no 5 :))

  6. Haha, yes with point 5! People whine that I don't like some things in GoT - Jesus Christ am I suppose to just swallow any shit D&D serve me? i love the show but I also read the books I don't think it's unseasonable when one is angry after an awesome book scene one imagined for so long is fucking bludgeoned to death in the show.

    I may see True Blood once the season is over. Last season I hatewatcheed Hannibal - man that show got so dumb.

    1. Yes! That's actually a common complaint in TWD's fandom, that some accept everything Scott Gimple hands them. Like he shits on us and we're supposed to like it? No...

  7. I'm mostly in the "I don't have time to hate watch" camp. However, I hate watched the crap out of Dexter. So glad that show is over with. I suppose the same goes with True Blood, though that's mostly the wife re-watching and any scene that doesn't capture my attention (re: all of them) tend to be tuned out to a book.

    1. I feel bad for Dexter fans, that show did not treat the well at the end. I must have too much time on my hands.

  8. I love The Walking Dead, but I agree the last couple seasons has been slowly getting weak. I'm hoping for some kind of turn around for season five but at this point there's no point in holding my breath for that to happen.
    Shows I hate? Pretty much all prime time comedy sitcoms (two and a half men, how i met your mother, etc). I just never got the appeal of those type shows. Other than that, it's reality shit like duck dynasty that makes me regret even having more than one TV channel.

    1. LOL. I've never seen Duck Dynasty, and I don't think I need to. I'm not much for sitcoms either. I like The Big Bang Theory, that's about it.

  9. I also kinda hate watch 'The Walking Dead' sometimes. That show really pisses me off. It's one of the better shows on tv so I didn't put it in my tweet. But yeah, I totally hate watch 'True Blood.' That show is sooo terrible. It's not even so bad it's's just bad. I should have stopped watching it a while ago. I'm relieved it's finally ending because I feel like I have to watch until the bitter end b/c I started in season 1. So I'm on the train until it hits the wall.

    1. That's a good way to describe it! "I'm on the train until it hits the wall." I like that.

      TWD pissed me off so much last year. They butchered my favorite character (Carol) made me hate my other favorite for awhile (Rick) and didn't do shit with my 3rd favorite (Glenn) They really need to improve next season.

  10. I went with #2 for shows like True Blood (though I'm very doubtful I'll watch the new season) and Californication as I liked those shows but they've lost a lot of what made them so good. The latter of which seems unsure on what to do and what to say. I really don't like this new storyline about Hank who learns that he has a son with Heather Graham who doesn't get naked on the show. That's the only reason why I watch it but it's not fun anymore.

    The other show I hate-watch now where I'm teetering to the point of leaving or sticking with it is WWE Raw. There's some good moments but there's also a lot of bad moments. Last night had me almost in tears of agony over what has become of Damien Sandow. The guy has a lot of talent. He's good on the mic and has a great character as this intellectual savior. Now, the WWE has him in an array of awful gimmicks as last night, he dressed up as an interpretive dancer in a fucking leotard.

    1. Yes! My fellow WWE fan. I've watched WWF/E pretty much my entire life. Sometimes I stop, then I pick it up again. Right now, I've stopped. I share your agony over Sandow. He's a great wrestler and I loved his superior gimmick, but they didn't do shit with him after he won MITB. Plus, Daniel Bryan is apparently going to be out for awhile, and that sucks.

      The weird thing about WWE, even if I don't watch it regularly, I always read the recaps and the wrestling news. That I never stop doing.

  11. No, I love this post and everything, even though I don't hate-watch stuff anymore. I totally get these reasons, though, and I'm really on board with them! Old Me's reason #1 used to be #4 on this list, though, and the last hate-watch I remember was a part of season 10 of Two and a Half Men with Kutcher just because of curiosity.

    1. At least there's plenty of good TV out there so we're not hate watching everything. #4 is one of my favorites because apparently not everyone understands the power of addiction.

  12. Definitely nothing wrong with hate watching TV shows. Nowadays, I don't have time to do it, but back in the day, I used to hate watch the shit out of some shows. Your #1 was my main reason why. The Office is the best example I can think of. I gave years to that damn show and Just. Couldn't. Quit. Eventually though, I had to. That show got too bad to bear.

    1. I admire your will power to quit. I can't do it if I'm more than a season in.

  13. I really hate True Blood... HATE it. But I can't let it go.

    1. Neither can I. It was so good in it's first 3 seasons, and 4 wasn't bad.

  14. Hate watch.... describes most reality shows I've seen...

  15. This is so accurate. And yes. I am so psyched to hate watch the final season of True Blood. I used to hate watch Pretty Little Liars too but that ended up being too much work. I swear that show never ends.

    1. I'm actually pretty excited to have so many fellow True Blood hate watchers. We have been so wronged with where the quality of this show ended up.

  16. I certainly hate watched the Walking Dead through Season 2, but since then it's improved a ton. I can see why Season 4 would sit poorly with some viewers, but I personally loved the change of pace and more character driven episodes :) Each to their own, I can't wait for Season 5!

    1. Definitely to each their own, I wouldn't call season 4 character driven at all. To me, it felt plot driven and all the characters did stupid and/or OOC things to fit. I hope season 5 fixes things.

  17. I hate watched S1 of Arrow for a while, but then it actually turned really good so I was glad I did!
    Can't remember if I said already but we've blog rolled Rambling Film :)
    - Allie

    1. I noticed that. I have you on my blog roll as well. Thanks!

  18. Ahah well I don't watch enough TV to love or hate them, I just don't have the discipline and my schedule is too sporadic to keep up w/ it. I can relate to what you're saying tho, when you love a show but then the quality decrease in the next season or something, it's so frustrating! I also hate it when my fave character gets killed off that's why it's better off that I don't watch GoT, ahah.

    1. hahaha. At least with GoT there's so many characters that you're bound to have more than one favorite. It's handy when they start dropping like flies.


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