Review: The Lobster

What kind of animal would you be?

In a society where there are no single people allowed, David (Colin Farrell) goes to a hotel where if he doesn't find a partner within 45 days, he will be transformed into an animal of his choosing. He travels with his pet dog, who is actually his brother that didn't make it through. 

The Lobster might be one of the weirdest fucking movies I've ever seen. I love that about it. There's a lot of deadpan, most of the relationships feel cold because of the way the movie flows from scene to scene, and that's okay. The story itself is so interesting. Especially when the characters venture out into the city and you see people being stopped for marriage certificates by the police.

I really liked director Yorgos Lanthimos' other film, Dogtooth. This one also had some quietly shocking images like that did. (Though I personally could've done without the dead dog) It's not without its issues though. Since the film is very irrelevant in a way, as it moves from scene to scene it begins to feel very slow. The pacing suffers drastically in the 2nd half. 

I liked seeing Colin Farrell in this role. This is the type of film where you can't really get dynamic performances from, but they were always interesting, and that's good enough.

Recommended: Yes

Grade: B-

Memorable Quote: "I would later learn that she had no heart." - David (Colin Farrell)


  1. I do want to see this because it sounds just so weird which I do like but why would anyone want to be a lobster? What if the last things he sees is a hot boiling pot?

    1. Someone actually points that out later on, but he picks a lobster because they live to be 100, they mate for life, and keep having sex the whole time, essentially.

  2. interesting. I was wondering about this movie, so I may check it out

  3. I think this is the best film so far this year.

    1. It's certainly up there. Civil War is still my favorite of the year.

  4. You are right on about the second half. It isn't as funny or well-paced, but this movie is just such a well-executed vision. I'm with Matt up there. My favorite of the year so far as well, though The Nice Guys and The Witch are right on its heels.

    1. I love those two as well. I'd probably put them ahead of this one though.

  5. "The Lobster might be one of the weirdest fucking movies I've ever seen." YES. It was weird in a good way. I loved Rachel, Colin, and the whole tone. You're totally right about the second half. That part falls a bit short.

    1. Definitely! The cast was great, even if they didn't get to stretch their acting chops necessarily, I thought they were all perfect in their parts.

  6. Definitely odd, but that's what is so great about it! The humor was the best part in my opinion and you're so right about how the movie flows making the people all seem so cold.

    1. I felt bad for John Ce. Reilly's character, especially.

  7. I don't want to say I hated this movie, but I didn't exactly like it. It felt like a hipster's wet dream trying to terribly hard to be quirky, but not succeeding like the great Wes Anderson. I'm going to review this one soon with my woes :\

    1. lol. Hipster's wet dream is probably accurate. I appreciated how bizarre it was. It did remind me of the director's earlier feature that I saw, so maybe it's just his style.

  8. Can't agree more! I really loved this but it lost my interest in the second half. Still, I doubt I'll ever see a movie quite like this again!
    - Allie

    1. I wish the 2nd half would've been a bit more coherent, or shorter. It would've brought the grade up.

  9. Ugh! Thanks for the heads up about the dead dog. :-) Seriously, I hate being blindsided by those things.

  10. The 2nd act showed that being single had just as much problems than being in a relationship. Both sides really didn't get it right. This is a very dark comedic look at the world of dating. Im waiting til you see The Neon Demon. Good review

    1. Thank you! I think I'm going to have to wait for DVD fr The Neon Demon. My theater already got rid of it.

  11. Amazing movie very dark witted and eccentric with the 90's feel arthouse finale...indeed this is a tragedy but beautiful...definitely atmospheric and raw...I would have to say that this was one of the best, wacky, and aloof screen roles Colin Ferrell has played! Bravo to him!!! He nailed it!


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