Review: The Silent Twins
Based on the extraordinary lives of twins June and Jennifer Gibbons. (Leah Mondesir-Simmonds and Eva-Arianna Baxter as kids, Letitia Wright and Tamara Lawrence as adults) The girls grew up in Wales and refused to talk to anyone else but each other. My indie theater got this film for exactly 2 weeks last summer and of course those were two weeks were I wasn't in town to catch it. I was really bummed at the time because I wanted to support this, but turns out it was a blessing in disguise, because I would've been so very lost during this movie. You know what I should never have to do during a film? Pause it, and Google the true life story this is based on to understand what the fuck is going on. I am so frustrated with this film. It's the epitome of style over substance. The opening credits are seriously cute and unique, the film makes good use of stop motion animation occasionally but you can't ride on your artistic merits alone. You have to have a coherent story and thi...