Review: Star Trek Into Darkness

Are you guys fighting? What is that even like?
We're back with our crew of the U.S.S Enterprise. Kirk (Chris Pine) just risked a mission to save the life of his best friend, Spock. (Zachary Quinto) Of course, Spock tells him it's illogical and gets him in trouble. This leads to Kirk losing the Enterprise and his crew. Then, a Star Fleet member called "John Harrison" (Benedict Cumberbatch) comes along wreaks havoc on everyone. Kirk is told to go after him. But there's more. There's always more. Kirk and company have never faced a force like John Harrison.
I've been reading a lot of mixed reviews on this, which surprised me because I absolutely loved it. I thought it was a hell of a ride. I never tire of hearing that awesome score and seeing a shot of the Enterprise going into warp speed. Director J.J Abrams even toned down the lens flare! One of my favorite things about this movie was the relationship between Kirk and Spock. Quinto and Pine are both great in their roles, and I feel a little bad for not regarding Pine as a strong actor before. He's clearly strong here. Kirk and Spock's bromance is in full swing. Hell, they should probably be dating instead of Spock and Uhura. (though I'm a little sad we didn't get more tender moments between them) Benedict Cumberbatch is a perfect baddie as well. He is very menacing, and it's very clear early on that he's not one to be messed with.
Bones' (Karl Urban) dialogue seemed way over the top at times, but it kind of works for his character. I liked that Sulu (John Cho) got to sit in the Captain's chair for a bit. The final act seemed a bit rushed, and Alice Eve's scene in her underwear was incredibly pointless, but overall, this was a great film to watch. I think I may even like it better than the first one.
Recommended: Yes
Grade: A
Memorable Quote: "Mr. Sulu, remind me never to piss you off." - Bones (Karl Urban)


  1. Good review Brittani. I can see why some would be pissed off by what Abrams and Co. decide to do with the legacy of Star Trek, but at least they all still keep it fun, entertaining, energetic, and always worth paying attention to.

    1. Definitely I wasn't a fan of the series. I never liked anything Star Trek until I saw what J.J Abrams did.

  2. I enjoyed it too. Glad to see praise for Chris Pine as an actor. I thought he was fantastic in the first film, and he's as good - if not better - in the sequel.

    1. His performance is great in the sequel. He's come a long way from that horrible Lindsay Lohan movie he was in.

  3. Ahah, I love that quote you have on here. That scene of Kirk being uncomfortable about Spock & Uhura fighting had me in a chuckle. It was a rom-com nod of sort but it was hilarious!

    1. I love how Chris Pine played it too. He's all upset about Spock then when he figures out Uhura and him are fighting he kind of turns into a gossip girl, for lack of a better word.

  4. I thought this was a pretty decent mindless summer action flick, which is also what I did not like about the film. Why even call it Star Trek, o wait because you want to reuse the characters and the plot points from a film made in 1982 rather than taking the opportunity to explore new worlds and boldly go.

    1. Yeah, I'm totally not a trekkie. The only ones I've ever gotten into are the JJ Abrams ones, so for me the work. But after I've thought about this for a bit, there was quite a bit wrong with this movie.


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