Review: Glass

We live in a world of Superheros. 

David Dunn (Bruce Willis) has been using his super strength for years as some what of a vigilante around Philadelphia, aided by his son, Joseph. (Spencer Treat Clark) He's been tracking someone kidnapping young girls, and when he comes across Kevin Wendell Crumb (James McAvoy) their very public fight lands them in a mental institution run by Dr. Staple (Sarah Paulson) who wants to prove to these men that they are delusional in their belief that they are superheros. Of course, our title character Mr. Glass (Samuel L. Jackson) also resides at said hospital. 

Despite thinking both of the film's predecessors, Unbreakable and Split were just okay, I bought into the hype with this one. But It's taken me a while to write this review. I'm very annoyed with a lot of Glass, actually, I'm mostly annoyed with director M. Night Shaymalan. 

Shaymalan apparently thinks only comic nerds are vaguely familiar with how comics work. That's why we have several scenes of people explaining the most obvious comic book tropes, like a "showdown" or a "master plan" to characters like Joseph, Casey (Anya Taylor Joy) and Mrs. Price. (Charlayne Woodard, covered in terrible make up to make her look older than Jackson since she's playing his mother, despite him being five years older than her in real life) The dialogue is absolutely goofy because of this. It felt so condescending that I can't tell if he meant this as a joke or not. They're at a very incompetently run hospital, and someone at one point says "This is where we enter it into the universe" Jokes....right?

This is where I'm torn. I hate this script, but the bones of it aren't bad and most of the actors are good. This really felt like McAvoy's greatest hits in a way. Despite the movie being called Glass it's really his show. Jackson doesn't even speak until well over an hour info the film. Bruce Willis phones it in but I can't blame him because Dunn is given nothing to do here. Casey, Crumb's victim from before has now become his defender in trying to get people to understand his DID. That might have made for an interesting move in itself directed by someone else. I walked away from this really sympathizing with Glass, which I'm not sure was the intended result. And of course, Jolly ol' Shaymalan throws in a ~twist~ towards the end that makes it worse. He also heavily hints at wanting to start his own cinematic universe, complete with his credits showing the names of the three films that he tied together as if his audience is too stupid to know that already. 

I feel bad for all the actors involved. This was a cool idea that Shaymalan completely butchered. I wanted to give it more points for them, but it's a few days later and I'm still irritated about this.

Recommended: No

Grade: C- (I keep going back and forth with this and a D to be honest)

Memorable Quote: "Was he crying? Pussy." - Hedwig (James McAvoy)


  1. We all prefer Marvel and DC ❤️💙

  2. Couldn't agree more! I let myself get sucked into the hype, too. There's plenty to love her (James McAvoy in particular who is amazing) but the rest was such a mess.

  3. Oh I wondered about this since M. Night is truly a bad director. I like The 6th Sense and i did like unbreakable but the rest can go.

    1. I swear someone was helping him during The Sixth Sense, like a producer directing on the side or something, there has to be an explanation. lol

  4. I thought about seeing this as I enjoyed both Unbreakable and Split but... I'll just wait for it to arrive on HBO. Plus, I'll probably bet Split was really just a fluke that got Shyamalan to do something else instead of his usual dumb shit.

    1. I think it was. McAvoy was strong enough to distract from everything else but that doesn't work the second time around.

  5. I'm so glad you are with me on this one Brit! I am about to publish my thoughts. I thought pretty much the same thing, though a lot worse admittedly :P

    "It felt so condescending that I can't tell if he meant this as a joke or not"

    As well as this (which mostly went over my head actually as I'm just not into any of those movies, but reading this, I'm with you), the entire tone was confusing. Horror, comedy, action.. what?!

    But for me, what was condescending was the balls to try and connect it to a two decades old(!!) movie. As if he wrote Unbreakable with this crap in mind.

    As for the "This is where we enter it into the universe" part, I totally missed that! :P Again, my lack of knowledge about those movies. The only one I did catch was someone yelling something like 'but this was my backstory!!' or something equally dumb,

    Night needs to stop it with the movies. I still don't know how The Visit was considered a comeback. I guess cos his last few were so achingly awful? I don't I think I'm in the minority on that one tbh!

    BAH sorry for the essay reply, I'll get back to m y review I think, seems like I need to

    1. I can't remember if that's the exact quote but ti has to be close enough lol. I love your reply, don't apologize!

      The Sixth Sense was a fluke, Unbreakable and Split were fine. Nothing is ever going to get better with him. I quit. lol

    2. :P

      I'm gonna publish my review today I reckon (aussie time time, its a lovely 46 degree C down here!). Let me know what you think, somehow I think you'll somewhat agree but I do honestly wonder if u think I was too harsh!! :P Still editing but nearly done :D

      I'd say 'keep cool' but you don't live in this desert of a country! ;)

    3. I would kill for that weather it's -10C here right now and the HIGH for tomorrow is -18C.

      Looking forward to your review!

  6. I meant to say there I think i AM in the minority regarding thinking The Visit and Split also were awful.

    This turd though makes those two look like the damned Eiffel tower of movies.

    1. I never bothered with The Visit. I didn't love Split either, I just really liked James and Anya's performances. Otherwise it was fine.

    2. Ohhhh yeah, if it wasn't such a silly concept McAvoy would have people wanting him for awards. He just seamlessly switches from the next to the the next... though I do think they all happened to be UK based :P

  7. Nice review! I'm getting the feel from reviews that Sarah gets the short end of the movie. Is she even in it at all for me to check out? Though I probably will no matter what. lol

    1. She's got a lot of screen time but the twist reveals her character to be pretty damn stupid in my opinion.


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