Thursday Movie Picks - The Cold

Living in the upper Midwest, this week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is something I can relate with - the cold. As good ol' Thanos would say, you can dread it, run from it, but destiny arrives all the same. Here are a few films I enjoy that capture that freezing dead of winter feel.

1) The Ice Storm

I love Ang Lee's family drama that takes place during a New England ice storm with tragic consequences. I'm sure this film put many a cinephile off of night time sliding on the ice. 

2) The Shining 

I get snowed into my own house pretty frequently so of course I'd go with the ultimate snowed in movie. Jack picked an inconvenient time to go insane. 

3) Wind River

Taylor Sheridan's excellent Wind River is a cold movie all around. The harsh climate fits the harsh circumstances Jane and Cory go through.


  1. Ooh I picked Wind River too! I'll be seeing The Shining later this year for Blind Spot, and I'm kind of too scared to watch The Ice Storm now until the weather has warmed up a bit...

  2. We match on two of these - The Ice Storm is SO good. I wish the Oscars hadn't snubbed it so hard. Wind River is GREAT - Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen are fantastic together.

    I have yet to see The Shining all the way through.

    1. I wish The Oscars hadn't snubbed Wind River either. Ridiculous. The Shining is great, but it drags like hell in the middle so I get not finishing it.

  3. Everyone choosing Wind River today! Such an incredible movie, you can really feel the cold while watching it, for a lot of reasons

    1. At least one of us didn't pick Wind River. :-)

    2. 100% agree. Wind River is very underrated outside of film twitter/bloggers, I'd say. I had to force a lot of people in my real life to watch it.

  4. OMG! We match with 2:) The Ice Storm is a film I need to revisit and I picked this one as well as Wind River which I thought, was excellent. The Shining is a great horror film but it is so much more than just a simple horror film. Great picks!

    1. Thank you! I'm now in the mood to rewatch The Ice Storm too. lol

  5. Wow, 3 great films. There's not a bad choice in these picks.

  6. Wind River really surprised me. I watched it on a recommendation but was still not sure I was going to care for it but I got caught up in the story and the acting of the two leads was excellent.

    While I didn't love The Shining, perhaps if I hadn't read the book first I would have gotten more out of it, it had it's scary and disturbing moments.

    I'm very much in the minority with this opinion (though my buddy that I saw the film with felt exactly the same) but I really detest The Ice Storm. No one was more surprised than I was, more often than not I enjoy Ang Lee films and the cast can't be beat but I was completely put off by that movie.

    I dread the arrival of winter, I do like to watch it snow if I don't have anywhere to go but otherwise UGH!, and am happy to see it go and Spring arrive but it's not so bad when it's on the screen. These three are definitely snow covered.

    The Call of the Wild (1935)-Using the Jack London story of a man, his dog and a lot of snow as its loose template this is a rather revised version of Jack Thornton (Clark Gable) his part wolf sled dog Buck, and his partner Shorty Hoolihan (Jack Oakie) as they brave the elements in their quest for fortune, adventure and at least for Thornton romance along the way in the guise of Claire (Loretta Young). Gable and Young had an affair during the making of the film which resulted in a daughter who Young (after vanishing to Europe for a year) passed off as her “adopted” child for the rest of her life.

    Mrs. Mike (1949)-Young Boston born Kathy O'Fallon (Evelyn Keyes) meets Canadian Mountie Mike Flannigan (Dick Powell) while visiting her uncle in Alberta, Canada. Falling for him and marrying quickly they head to his new posting in the Yukon where they face many hardships along with the biting cold as Kathy struggles to adjust. Based on Kathy’s memoirs of life in the Great White North.

    The Thing from Another World (1951)-Scientists at an Arctic research station discover a spacecraft buried in the ice. Upon closer examination, they discover the frozen pilot. All hell breaks loose when they take him back to their station and he is accidentally thawed out!

    1. I think I knew you didn't like The Ice Storm, I can see why it wouldn't be everyone's favorite so that's okay. I'm 0/3 with your picks this week.

  7. Are you going to the Emma & Lachy Dance Party concert?
    🎀 💤

  8. I think Wind River is one of those.. poetic movies where the winter itself is a character. But not like a super obvious one... but like that character that keeps appearing on the background. I need to see it again but considering how much I have to watch and read this year.. I don't have the time. :(

    1. I agree, especially how they closed out Elizabeth's last scene with "She ran 6 miles in the snow"

  9. I don't really remember The Ice Storm all that much, but your other two picks are rock solid. I swear, even in the hottest room, the f--king Shining literally makes me cold. That movie is so incredibly's unnerving.

    Oh, and Wind River? SUCH A GOOD CALL. I shiver just thinking about that one...

    1. It is! I'm glad so many people chose Wind River this week.

  10. Good choices. I did something similar to this a few years back and The Shining was on my list as well. I also remember including "Alive". Ever see that one?

    1. I haven't seen Alive. I'll have to look that one up.

  11. Absolutely love Wind River (so popular this week), and The Shining. The Ice Storm is also pretty popular this week, but I haven't seen that one. Ang Lee runs hot and cold with me, and this one didn't have enough hype surrounding it to force me to see it. Maybe I will.

    1. I think it's worth the watch. It's definitely a quieter film compared to his others.

  12. I've seen all of your picks.

    I haven't seen The Shining in a long time, but I didn't really like it. I suppose expectations were just too high by the time I saw it.

    1. I get that. Sometimes these classics get built up so much. Citizen Kane was like that for me.


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