Thursday Movie Picks: Movies You've Walked Out Of

This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is one that I suggested because I just can't resist talking about bad movies. I always try to sit through movies at the theater no matter what, and believe me there's plenty that I should've walked out of (Hi every movie Uwe Boll has ever made) but here are the only ones that I actually did leave early. 

1) The Jungle Book (1994)

My entire family walked out of this movie about 20 minutes in. Honestly, I was too young to remember everyone's reasons. I know the wolves getting hurt bothered me but none of us were having this. We left the theater and walked into another. 

2) The Devil's Rejects

This movie was absolute trash. Mind you, Rob Zombie is a shitty screenwriter to begin with and the film's predecessor, House of a 1000 Corpses wasn't good either. Its hyper-sexual because that's how Zombie thinks people actually talk, and he framed his villains as the heroes only they are so dull and vile that I struggle to understand why I'm supposed to be interested in them in the first place.

3) The Book of Eli

This movie I technically left and came back in. I was so bored during it that I excused myself to the "rest room" and by rest room I mean "Went to sit in The Lovely Bones for a while"


  1. Holy Fuck! Sorry but where the duck did I get the movie theme from last week?? Fuck! Sorry for the F bombs and you know I don’t normally write those words so if you have to delete this I understand. Anyhoo, I will write about this even thou* I almost always stick it out with bad movies. I will also talk about movies I turned off since I always sit through a movie when I go to the theatre.

    1. She had a preliminary list out that had weeks missing, then she updated and shifted them around. Here's the complete list

    2. Yeah....I look at it often but brain fart ensued

  2. I think I've only ever walked out of two movies and I can only remember one; BATS from 1999. I lasted about fifteen minutes.

    1. I haven't seen that one but after looking at its IMDb page...I get it. lol

  3. I have never walked out on a movie, partially because even in a bad movie I keep hoping there's going to be SOMETHING good in it SOMEWHERE (and also I just need to see how it ends LOL). I did ask for my money back once, but that was as close as I got. And we returned a rental once: Scream, not because of the violence, but because my parents could NOT with all the swearing lol.

    I remember really liking the 1994 Jungle Book! Crazy to think now that Lena Headey was the female lead.

    1. Lena is in that?! Oh my god I had no idea, that was before Cersei became life. lol

      I had to refund a bunch of tickets when I worked at a theater when House of the Dead came out. Everyone hated that.

  4. Can't wait for Australia Day this Saturday 🇦🇺

    1. Go see a movie and try not to walk out!

    2. I won't walk out of Captain Marvel, Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: Far From Home til' after the post credit scenes

  5. I greatly appreciate the excuse to talk about terrible movies this week! Your gifs are absolutely perfect, ha!

  6. I got scared as a kid during The Rocketeer (1991). I have no idea why

    1. It's funny what things frighten us when we're so young.

  7. Wow, the 1994 version of The Jungle Book. I forgot about that film. I don't blame you for walking out on that one.

    Yes, Rob Zombie isn't for everyone and that was a film that Roger Ebert liked.

    I've seen some of The Book of Eli and it's... OK.

    1. Someone must have hacked Ebert to post that review.

    2. No, Ebert really liked that film. He said so in its show as he and Richard Roeper said all of the bad things about the film and they enjoyed the hell out of it as they gave it 2 Thumbs Up!

    3. Clearly aliens controlling their bodies lol

  8. I think I also stopped watching The Book of Eli. For some reason it didn't grip in the first 20 mins I wasn't in the mood for a film anyway.

    I also stopped watching Rob Zombie's Halloween but never even started The Devil's Rejects

  9. I liked the 40's version of the Jungle Book and remarkably the Disney redo is one of the few animated films I really like so I had zero interest in seeing yet another try at it in the 90's.

    The second is something I'd never even consider seeing and not being much of a Denzel fan and Book of Eli appearing to be pretty much of a one man show I stayed far away.

    I've never walked out of a film, though I have done the extended bathroom break thing particularly on the second Lord of the Rings (I sat in the lobby and had a snack!) so I'm skipping this week. I have fallen asleep when I'm bored several times however.

    1. Those would've worked! I had a marvelous nap during Mr. and Mrs. Smith

  10. Nope have not seen any of them...and won't.


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