Indie Gems: The Miseducation of Cameron Post

What's on your iceberg?

In 1993, Cameron Post (Chloe Grace Moretz) is caught making out with her friend Coley (Quinn Shephard) and promptly sent to a gay conversion camp where she make friends with Jane (Sasha Lane) and Adam (Forrest Goodluck) and ponders what comes next.

When I reviewed Boy Erased in November, I mentioned that a lot of reviews I had read prior compared it to this. I can see why based on premise but they're very different in theme. Where the only act of sexuality in Boy Erased was a rape, this one frequently shows it in both passion and stolen moments. Where Boy Erased was about fear, this is more about staying true to yourself. What this film does better is that we learn a bit more about the other residents aside from Cameron. She doesn't just interact with Jane and Adam and while not everyone is fully developed it felt more satisfying. These kids are actually allowed to talk to each other and that makes for a better film.

I didn't get excited for this at Sundance because I've never been a fan of Chloe Grace Moretz. I find her to be very dull even though I admire the roles she chooses for herself most of the time, she's actually very good here. I still wish Sasha Lane was the lead instead but she did fine. I've been a fan of John Gallagher Jr. for quite some time too, and he's good in his small role as well.

Ultimately I think this film is very well done all around and I'm glad I took the time to see it.

Grade: A-

Watched on: Netflix DVD

Memorable Quote: "You people have no idea what you're doing, do you?" - Cameron Post (Chloe Grace Moretz)


  1. A fine point well made 💜💙💛❤️

  2. One of many 2018 films that I want to see as I admire Chloe Grace Moretz for wanting to do different things and take risks.

    1. I do too, I'll always give her that even though I'm never crazy about her performances aside from this one.

  3. I wish I had loved this one more, but it was just kinda THERE for me. It needed MORE - more scenes for Cameron's character arc to work, more time with the supporting characters, and more time exploring the setting of the camp. It just felt like a missed opportunity to me. The ending didn't feel EARNED enough. I liked it fine, but never got any further than that.


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